Great Lakes Newsletter, Winter 2019
Trout Unlimited’s efforts in the Great Lakes region continue to expand and 2018 was a big year for accomplishments in both the field and in advocacy efforts. TU staff and volunteers worked on dozens of major stream restoration, protection and reconnection projects in the region. TU’s active involvement in important issues helped move the needle on issues…
Fly Fishing Film Tour features ‘The Return’
By Brett Prettyman Each year about this time fly fishers find inspiration to stock those boxes they had grand intentions of filling over the winter months. It is called the Fly Fishing Film Tour, also known as F3T. What started as a celebration of a beloved sport has grown into an annual event drawing anglers…
Raising trout — and raising environmental stewards in New York
A young New York student watches a trout swim away at a Trout in the Classroom release. (New York City DEP photo) By Lillit Genovesi “The trout babies have hatched!” “How come they aren’t swimming?” “Are they happy?” Several inquisitive young Brooklynites crowd around a fish tank. A busy classroom in Brooklyn, N.Y., might seem…
Spring Cleaning: Blow the Dust Off Guiding Documents!
Spring Cleaning: Blow the Dust Off Guiding Documents! Each spring, many of us start to get that feeling—an itch instigated by the transition from a comfortable and cozy winter to the cabin fever frenzy that beckons the freshness of longer daylight and warmer outdoor adventures. Cue spring cleaning! This spring when you revel in the…
TU VSP Volunteer Training at Western Regional!
The TU Veterans Service Partnership (TU VSP) is pleased to announce a VSP volunteer leader training day will be offered as part of the 2019 Western Regional TU meeting in Olympia, WA on Friday, March 15th. The VSP is one of TU Volunteer Operations fastest growing programs and presents excellent opportunities for chapters to sustain…
Wyoming’s Seedskadee Chapter plans juvenile fish habitat reconnection
Dave Sweet holds a rainbow trout caught in the fall on the Green River in Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge. Brett Prettyman/Trout Unlimited By Sadie St. Clair The Green River between Fontelle Dam and Flaming Gorge Reservoir in Southwest Wyoming is a robust fishery that draws anglers from all over the country. Fishing has been good…
New York chapters help with riparian plantings
New York City Chapter Members gather after planting along the Amawalk River in Westchester, NY. By Tracy Brown Since 2017, Trout Unlimited has partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation to plant close to 10,000 native trees along priority trout streams in New York rivers. New York chapters have organized and implemented more than 30 volunteer…