

  • Advocacy

    Finding common ground on mining reform

    In testimony before Congress, Trout Unlimited president and CEO, Chris Wood made the case for common-sense reforms to mining laws and increased funding to clean up abandoned mines. The hearing focused on several proposed bills that, if enacted, would enable the expansion and improved regulation of critical minerals development. According to the International Energy Agency,…

  • Advocacy

    Protecting the source

    Famous trout streams depend on waters flowing from the public lands of Sáttítla. These lands and waters should be permanently protected as a national monument. Few Trout Unlimited (TU) chapters have the embarrassment of riches in their territory as TU’s Shasta Trinity Cascades Chapter. Within a two-hour drive of this chapter’s base in Redding, California…

  • Advocacy

    Good Sam – how we got here

    Do you remember what you were doing in 2004? Here are a few memory-joggers: Facebook was launched. The last episode of the sitcom Friends was aired. President George W. Bush was reelected, narrowly defeating John Kerry. Trout Unlimited and the Forest Service launched a partnership to begin cleaning up abandoned mines in the western US.…

  • Advocacy

    Five things anglers should know about the Antiquities Act

    1. The Antiquities Act authorizes the President of the United States to designate National Monuments on federal lands that contain historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, or other objects of historic, cultural or scientific interest. National monument designations can only take place on existing public lands. Landscape of Arizona's newest National Monument 2. Presidents have…