Can National Monuments protect America’s best hunting and fishing spots?
Some of the best fishing and hunting opportunities in the United States are found in our national monuments. National monuments—sites and landscapes with unique historic, cultural, scientific, geologic and ecological values—can be created either by Congress or by the President through the Antiquities Act of 1906. Hunters and anglers, outdoor recreation interests, tribes, local businesses…
Yellowstone: Still open for business
Here’s how you can give back to the communities and businesses that give so much to visiting anglers and outdoor lovers Feast or famine—that is the weather pattern in the West. My friend Nate Blue recently wrote and told me that his town of Bodfish, Calif., had received 0.95 inches of rain so far in…
Whitewater and wild rainbows on an inspiring Alaska wilderness float
But future public access at risk with Alaska governor's proposal to strip Susitna Basin waters of "Recreational River" status
Rafts ready and waiting to be loaded back up for the day ahead. Photo credit: Eric Booton Airborne, we crossed Cook Inlet and began tracing the Susitna River north. My twin sister, Shauna, rode co-pilot in a Cessna 206 atop floats. Moose meandered wetlands and swans dotted water bodies below. In every direction, rivers transected the landscape while glaciers and notorious summits bobbed about in the…
Horsing around with native cutthroat trout in Great Basin National Park
Bonneville cutthroat trout wait in Snake Creek before being loaded on horses and mules for a ride to Johnson Lake. Brett Prettyman photo. Biologists ask riders to move trout to sanctuary in Great Basin National Park Editor's note: Our "American Places" series highlights lands and waters that make this nation unique. These places are near…
The Book Cliffs in Utah provide solace and critical habitat
Editor's note: TROUT Magazine Online will publish frequent essays on "American Places," lands and waters that make the nation unique. These essays will be crafted by Trout Unlimited staffers, contributing writers and volunteers. These places are near and dear to many and worthy of sharing in hopes of creating more advocates for the treasures so…
Places have stories, and stories have places
You will know you've found a special place when you name it
Editor's note: TROUT Magazine Online will publish frequent essays on "American Places," lands and waters that make the nation unique. These essays will be crafted by Trout Unlimited staffers, contributing writers and volunteers. These places are near and dear to many and worthy of sharing in hopes of creating more advocates for the treasures so…
