Faces of Restoration: Capitan Forestry in Oregon
Restoration work in Oregon couldn’t happen without Capitan Forestry. The Grande Ronde and North Fork of the John Day headwaters are critical habitat and special places to fish, and the collaboration between TU and Capitan is making it even better. Capitan Forestry historically specialized in upland forest restoration work, but after partnering with TU’s aquatic restoration efforts in the…
The courts, the EPA and the Clean Water Rule: where we stand now
What is happening: On Oct. 21, a federal district court overturned and invalidated a Trump-era regulation that eroded state and Tribal authority to protect water quality. The now invalidated “2020 Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule” (2020 Rule) gutted (or imposed significant revisions to) Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, a regulatory tool…
Success breeds success when it comes to conservation on the Gunnison
At Trout Unlimited, we aren’t always about checking all the boxes when it comes to restoration projects, but one that just happened on the Gunnison River in central Colorado does just that. It all started with a couple skeptical ranchers agreeing to partner with TU on a diversion rehabilitation project on a small tributary to…
A boat trailer’s curse
Some things aren’t meant to last a lifetime. It was a good run of nearly six years, but I think it’s time to part ways with an old friend. I’m not a superstitious person but this raft trailer is cursed. I’m sure of it, which is why I’ve chosen to cut it loose on the…
Quick tip: How to rehab an old rusty trailer
One of the trailers was already prepped and ready to go while the other one was dirty and had surface rust covering most of it. We remove the wheels, I then hit the rusty one with a sander
This tip came to me from newly found friend Cody Richardson. You may know Cody from his incredibly creative use of license plates to make customized fish art. Apparently he's a bit of a boat head too, and definitely knows his way around a shop. This past weekend, he made use of some fancy Sherwin-Williams…
Every week can be Trout Week
The inaugural Flylords/Trout Unlimited Trout Week is wrapping up, but we can all keep it going in the weeks and months to come. From committing ourselves to increasing our personal conservation efforts on local waters, to connecting more with TU opportunities and initiatives online and across the country, every week can be Trout Week. Here's…
Four public lands bills make it out of the House
Now, let's get them passed in the Senate
Now, let's get them passed in the Senate Here at Trout Unlimited, we couldn’t do our work nor enjoy opportunities to fish for the trout and salmon we love without public lands. Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass a slate of public land provisions to protect important trout and salmon habitats across…