Horsing around with native cutthroat trout in Great Basin National Park
Bonneville cutthroat trout wait in Snake Creek before being loaded on horses and mules for a ride to Johnson Lake. Brett Prettyman photo. Biologists ask riders to move trout to sanctuary in Great Basin National Park Editor's note: Our "American Places" series highlights lands and waters that make this nation unique. These places are near…
Behind the Cover: The fire issue of TROUT Magazine
Wildfire and its impact on our rivers and the places we all call our home waters is a heavy topic. One that doesn’t often need any further description. Like most issues of TROUT Magazine, this one started with a subtle theme. Fire and what that might mean for us as anglers and conservationists. It’s pretty…
Sign, sign everywhere a sign
Author Dan Ritz hits the end of the road while trying to get to a better of idea of why he couldn't fish for the Little Kern golden trout. Dan Ritz photo. Golden Trout Wilderness Area is closed, but a connection to the Little Kern golden trout was still made Daniel Ritz is fishing across the…
North Umpqua fire changes complexion of an iconic river
We stopped first at Swiftwater Park. My brother, Greg, and I always start there when we fish the North Umpqua searching for summer steelhead. It’s not much of a park, really. Just some parking next to the river, along with his and her’s vault toilets. The river is the attraction. This is the final upstream spot before reaching the North’s famous fly-only water. We…
Bugs have stories to tell
Since the beginning of time fire has played a big part in shaping the western landscape. And that is even more true today with larger, more intense fires with more frequency. We dove into two researchers' stories who determine the impacts of fires to forests and ultimately our beloved rivers––one in the summer issue of…
TU staffers turn 2020’s Oregon wildfires into opportunity to improve resiliency
People all around Oregon woke on Sept. 8, 2020, to high winds, extensive power outages and lots of speculation by foresters that it could be the worst day of fires in Oregon’s history. That’s exactly what it turned out to be for Chrysten Lambert, TU’s Oregon director for Western Conservation, and many others when three wildfires whipped through the area in a split second…
Horses, the High Uintas, native cutthroat trout and wildfire
A journey to wilds of Utah to restore a native fish stronghold By Mike Fiorelli Prolonged horseback trips into remote wilderness areas was actually part of the job description when I started working for Trout Unlimited. I kept reminding myself about that during the 26-mile ride into the High Uintas Wilderness of northeastern Utah for…

Living with Fire
Discover how increased drought and a longer fire season has changed how we fish and what it means for the sport