
Conservation | Page 10

  • Dam Removal

    FERC plans sells Kennebec’s endangered Atlantic salmon short

    This week, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission released a Draft EIS affecting four hydroelectric dams on Maine’s Kennebec River. The FERC recommendations amount to incremental improvements over what is now a dire situation for Atlantic salmon in the Kennebec. We have tried the incremental approach before on rivers like the Connecticut, Merrimack, Saco, and Androscoggin.…

  • Restoration

    Reconnecting the Mettawee: Six dams down

    When it comes to long-term restoration projects, Erin Rodgers measures the passage of time not so much by clocks and calendars, but by kids. So it was when recently recounting a multi-year project on Vermont’s Mettawee River; Rodgers thought back to two big life moments to help her remember the project’s pace. “The Mettawee is…

  • Restoration

    Preventing a death by a thousand cuts

    Protecting Yellowstone Cutthroat from deadly threats in their historical range.

    Protecting what’s left of Montana’s most iconic cutthroat population It’s incredible to catch a Yellowstone Cutthroat just outside of America’s first National Park – one that anglers flock to from all around the world to experience. But we’re catching less of them now than ever before. Yellowstone Cutthroat trout now occupy about 43% of their…

  • Advocacy

    A new path for the Owyhee

    Tucked in the corners of Oregon, Idaho and Nevada is the Owyhee Canyonlands. Known for its rugged terrain and wild waters that host hundreds of species of fish and wildlife, the Owyhee is truly one of the West’s largest conservation opportunities.  In Idaho, over 500,000 acres of the Owyhee landscape are protected as Wilderness, but…