Trout and Trees: restoring Michigan’s streambanks
By Matthias Bonzo Last year TU began to implement a project we’re calling “Trout and Trees.” Funded by a grant from the USDA State and Private Forestry – Landscape Scale Restoration Initiative, the project seeks to improve near stream (riparian) habitats coupled with instream habitat work to provide as complete restoration to a degraded site…
Clean Water Rule Update: January 2020
Final rule announced; what it says and what comes next. Final Rule Announced. On January 23rd, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) announced a final “Waters of the U.S. Rule.” This rule replaces a 2015 Rule, which clarified the extent of jurisdictions for clean water act protections. This new…
TU launches major restoration effort on Battenkill
By Jacob Fetterman Stretching from Manchester, Vt., to the Hudson River in New York state, the Battenkill River holds a firm place in fly fishing history. Beyond the river’s fame and beauty, it has become evident that, without proper stewardship, the wild trout fishery supported by the Battenkill could slip away due to the degradation of quality habitat through factors such as deforestation, sedimentation, channel modification,…
Restoration drives advocacy in the Great Lakes, thankfully
Many conservation organizations are great at on-the-ground habitat restoration. Others excel at policy advocacy. Trout Unlimited is one of the few that shine at both. Our recipe for success is simple. We take the results and good will generated by the partnerships, relationships, and in many cases, friendships created through our restoration work, and use…
National Teen Summit returns to birthplace of TU
Here at Trout Unlimited we are proud to say our organization was formed on the banks of the Au Sable River in Michigan. Locals boast (and rightly so) that the Au Sable is the best brown trout fishery east of the Mississippi. Michigan’s TU chapters are named after conservation heroes like George Griffith, Art Neumann,…
The Whitewater
It's that time of year again... the annual Fly Fishing Film Tour is likely coming to a theater near you, and the films' trailers are out and about for general consumption. Here's one, as an angler and a conservationist, that ought to capture your attention. https://vimeo.com/385456316 From Off the Grid Studios, "The Whitewater" captures the…
TU supports the “End Speculative Oil and Gas Leasing Act of 2020”
Bill would discourage speculative leasing on public lands and bring balance back to public land management. By Tasha Sorensen Learn more about TU's Low Potential Energy Campign Trout Unlimited expressed its support Friday as Senator Cortez Masto (D-NV) introduced the End Speculative Oil and Gas Leasing Act of 2020. The bill would improve the current oil…
