The Salmon Superhighway
On the north coast of Oregon, six major river systems spanning 940 square miles that drain into Tillamook and Nestucca bays provide a historic opportunity for science, collaboration between landowners, resource agencies and other stakeholders, and joint efforts of volunteers and professionals to come together to reconnect productive habitat for six species of anadromous (ocean-going)…
Central Coast Striped Bass Survey
By Tim Frahm California's central coast once produced a lot of wild steelhead. Steelhead were a staple food for the labor force that built some of the state's famed Spanish missions over 200 years ago. Today, however, central coastal steelhead are threatened. Trout Unlimited, through our Golden Gate and Steinbeck Country chapters, is working with…
Grassroots partnerships key trout wins in Wisconsin
By Chris Collier I think it’s fair to say that every person who gets involved with Trout Unlimited quickly learns that the organization has become what it is today because of its commitment to being a grassroots organization. This local-level focus leads to strong partnerships and a connection to projects important to communities and native…
Oregon Public Lands Bill Advances Through Senate Committee
Drift boaters celebrate successful passage through Mule Creek Canyon on the Rogue River. Photo by Kyle Smith Earlier today, Oregon Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley's bill to protect portions of public lands in the Molalla and Rogue River watersheds, as well as over 100,000 acres of the Kalmiopsis region in Southwest Oregon from mining…
Grand Valley State U film crew highlights Green Team
Students in the Producing for Clients class at Grand Valley State University spend a semester working with nonprofit organizations to create a video that serves the needs of that organization. This fall, GVSU had a campus-wide focus on water-related issues so students teamed up with Trout Unlimited’s Rogue River Home Rivers Initiative to produce a video that could help enhance their work. https://vimeo.com/378848291 They created…
Reminiscing on the Roadless Rule
A TU staffer in Alaska takes a look back at her 2015 summer working in Southeast Alaska, and how she saw the benefits of the Roadless Rule through a tourism lens.
Monday’s walk to work was a different one than normal. The past few weeks it has been pretty classic Anchorage winter weather- cold, snowy and incredibly dark. But yesterday, I walked out my front door in my puffy coat and snow boots and immediately turned around to exchange my outerwear for a raincoat and Xtra-Tuffs. Still pitch…
Fish and Fiscal Responsibility: Let’s Protect the Roadless Rule
Over the course of 31 years as a resident of Alaska, nearly 15 years of which have been spent doing conservation work, I’ve always been amazed by the inability of strong, well-documented financial realities to guide how public lands are managed. In the case of the Tongass National Forest, it has been made clear repeatedly…
