Pipeline report documents repeated pollution events
In central Appalachia, installing natural gas pipelines often involves trenching through wild trout streams by the dozens. Inevitably, that leads to problems. Storms pelt construction sites, sending plumes of sediment into waters. Stream crossing procedures fail. Restoration is not completed. All this puts coldwater resources at risk. Several major new pipelines have been built in…
PA’s Unassessed Waters Initiative reaches milestone
By Rob Shane When TU partnered with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission in 2011 to start surveying and protecting wild trout streams in the Commonwealth, we knew the mountain ahead of us would take years to climb. Pennsylvania has 86,000 miles of flowing water, and less than a quarter of those stream miles had…
A greener fly-fishing industry on display at IFTD
Perhaps the overarching theme of the 2019 International Fly Tackle Dealer show in Denver was environmental sustainability. The show itself was a plastic-free event, and according to American Fly Fishing Trade Association President Ben Bulis, there was no cost difference for the association when it came to making this determination. And companies that displayed their…
Colorado has a water plan; now let’s fully fund it.
Finalized in 2015, the Colorado Water Plan is backed by rural and urban water providers, agricultural producers, conservationists and recreationists, and those on both sides of the political aisle. It is described by its authors as “a road map to lead to a productive economy, vibrant and sustainable cities, productive agriculture, a strong environment and a robust recreation industry. It sets…
The hype is real: A day on the Upper Delaware
“Wait? What? You’ve never fished the Delaware River?” If you live in the East and are an avid (borderline obsessed) trout angler, this is the kind of thing you will hear from peers if you admit that you’ve never wet a line in one of the East’s most famous trout rivers. I got it again…
The Phoenix in the Elwha River
Editors note: This piece originally appeared in the opinion section of the Spokesman-Review. It is often difficult, if not impossible, to restore wild places to their former ecological and aesthetic glory once human development has altered them. But in some cases, the vitality of wild places can be recovered. The Elwha River on Washington state’s…
Fly fishing’s trade association on the rise
As Ben Bulis stepped up to the podium at the annual industry breakfast, the opening event of the International Fly Tackle Dealer show, he looked out at a ballroom full of people. As the president of the American Fly Fishing Trade Association, Bulis had to grin. "There are more people in this room today than…
