
Conservation | Page 122

  • Conservation

    Happy Public Lands Month!

    Jillian Lukiwski backpacking and fishing in Idaho's Sawtooth mountain range near Stanley, ID. By Corey Fisher Trout Unlimited is devoting the month of September to celebrating public lands and the agencies dedicated to upholding America’s public land heritage. It’s no coincidence that National Hunting and Fishing Day and National Public Lands Day are both during…

  • Conservation Community

    Our duty to comment on public lands plans

    Fishing in the Valle Vidal north of Questa in the Carson National Forest. American's have a birthright to federal public lands throughout the nation. Forests, rivers, grasslands and more offer exceptional recreational opportunities for each one of us, and we have a duty to speak up on how they are managed. In New Mexico, two…

  • Conservation Fishing

    Washington water woes in Seattle Times

    Washington commonly institutes fishing restrictions to protect vulnerable fish populations, like they did for steelhead in Scotty Creek, but these restrictions, unfathomably, do not extend to a destructive form of recreational gold mining called suction dredge mining.

    The team of Trout Unlimited river-defenders in Washington state is gearing up for a busy legislative session this winter. What they're after? Getting a bill passed through the state legislature that finally updates Washington laws to remove certain waters (critical habitat for endangered species act-listed fish) from the suite of options for suction dredge miners.…