Turning Back the Clock: Tongass Timber Wars
You may have seen the recent story by The Washington Post breaking the news on backroom deals being made to repeal important protections for the Tongass National Forest in Southeast Alaska. The Tongass is our nation’s largest, and it produces 50 million wild salmon annually, making conserving it a core campaign for Trout Unlimited and…
Out of sight, out of mine?
An abandoned mine overlooks Lion Creek drainage near Empire, Colorado By Randy Scholfield We are bouncing along in four-wheel drive vehicles, high in the Clear Creek watershed west of Denver, overlooking beautiful forest vistas and steep hillsides laced with snowmelt creeks. We are here with a group of reporters to show them a dark secret…
Thistles and cutthroat trout
With such abundant water throughout Southwest Colorado this year, invasive plants are thriving. While Canadian and musk thistle, mullen and even spotted knapweed provide gorgeous colors dotting the landscape, I can't help but cringe every time I see a field (or the edge of my driveway) lined with them. Mullen grows so tall it disrupts…
Interpretive sign on the Carmel River, spring 2019. It was while walking a seasonally-dry side channel of my local stream, the Carmel River, over the weekend that I started thinking about a guy from Michigan named John Rapanos. You should know this name, because this fellow—unintentionally, no doubt—could really put the hurt on your fishing.…
Working with nature
America has such a well-earned reputation for innovating our way out of problems that we sometimes miss the obvious natural solution. In a series of open houses this summer in Great Basin communities, the Trump administration revealed a plan to reduce wildfire risk by constructing 11,000 acres of fuel breaks across public lands in parts…
Revisiting the genetics of summer and winter steelhead in northern California
By Charlie Schneider Emerging science can meld with policy and restoration efforts to help reach our ultimate goal of improving steelhead runs. A previous post at Wild Steelheaders United highlighted the petition to list summer steelhead on the Eel River in Northern California, and discussed research by scientists at UC Davis that suggests premature migration…
Woodworking for brook trout in the Vermont forest
By Zack Hoisington On July 14, 2019, I found myself in uncharted territory, driving north through upstate New York on highway 87 into Adirondack State Park. As the sun started to lower, I noticed a sign for Montreal. Although I have spent very little time in this part of the country, something told me I was going the wrong direction. I had…