‘A Nation’s River’ highlights TU’s efforts in the Potomac headwaters
Dustin Wichterman lives trout. By day he manages Trout Unlimited’s restoration and protection work in the Potomac headwaters. Most of the rest of the time he’s either fishing for trout or dreaming about fishing for trout. And a big part of that dream is that one day the Potomac headwaters will again regularly churn out native brook trout pushing…
Kokanee salmon coming to big screens across Washington
With the help of our friends, the Trout Unlimited team in Washington has been working toward an exciting project, and we need your help. Introducing: Spawning Grounds: the story of a little red fish and the urgent effort to keep them from going extinct. For more than two years a Seattle based Emmy-winning filmmaker, Nils…
Hope for Idaho’s Salmon
“I have concluded that I am going to stay alive long enough to see salmon return to healthy populations in Idaho.” Those words by U.S. Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) at a conference at the Andrus Center last week may do more to project the recovery of the imperiled Snake River salmon and steelhead than multiple…
Pebble is trying to buy its friends
An early-morning scroll through my twitter feed woke me up much faster than the first couple sips I’d had of my coffee. “Pebble project hires the man Politico calls, ‘the most powerful lobbyist in Trump’s Washington.’” (from @DylanBrown26, an industry reporter for Energy and Environment news). Sure enough, within hours, the E&E story broke after…
Why is your lateral line different than mine?
Most of us working on behalf of wild steelhead love our jobs. Still, after a long week we are ready to hit the water — and share some more steelhead knowledge. This week we touch on a study conducted by Andrew Brown at the University of Washington, along with several co-authors. The paper can be…
When ‘fishing ain’t what it used to be’ is a good thing
The fishing ain’t what it used to be. We’ve all heard that familiar lament, usually uttered by an angler trudging back to the parking lot after getting skunked. As conservationists, we know it’s too often true. The losses of trout and salmon fisheries relative to their historic distribution are well known to all of us. But this…
International Year of the Salmon
This year is the International Year of the Salmon, and it couldn't have come too soon. Wild salmon the world over are in peril—once plentiful stocks are dwindling in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Dams block migration. Proposed industrial development, like the Pebble Mine in Alaska, threaten intact populations. Pollution, salmon-farm escapees and disease…
