Ticking time bombs in Appalachia
Editor's note: TU President and CEO Chris Wood was invited to testify before Congress on innovative approaches and economic development opportunities of abandoned mine land reclamation. TU hopes to work with Congress to advance legislation to support this type of restoration work, both on coal and hardrock mines across the country. To learn more, visit…
Ambitious TU volunteers making progress on Battenkill
Adding large wood to streams can help narrow over-widened channels and also provide a place for trout to hide from predators such as mergansers, which have been found to be decimating trout of certain sizes in the Battenkill. By John Braico The storied Battenkill, long recognized as a challenging river among anglers, faced a steep…
Walking under a trout stream
/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/blog/Screen-Shot-2019-03-25-at-2.17.12-PM.png The American Museum of Fly Fishing and Johnny Morris' Wonders of Wildlife aquarium and museum in Springfield, Mo., will give curious anglers the chance to walk under a carefully crafted trout stream and see how trout move about the water column thanks to a new partnership between two entities. In addition, a large portion…
Sky Blue Outfitters supports clean water in Pennsylvania
/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/blog/sky-blue-brown-092817.jpg Pennsylvania is a fly angler’s state. And Rick Nyles is a fly angler – and a darn good one. Rick owns Sky Blue Outfitters in Fleetwood, Penn., and he’s Gold Level Trout Unlimited Business member who has been guiding all over the Keystone State on some of its best waters for 20 years. And…
Bipartisan effort needed to protect Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
By Taylor Ridderbusch For the third consecutive year, the Trump Administration’s budget proposal looks to cut critical programs that protect and restore coldwater resources and that form the foundation of multi-billion dollar commercial and recreational fishing economies. The proposal would significantly cut funding to the EPA and other agencies, essentially eliminating programs such as the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI), Section…
Great Lakes Newsletter, Winter 2019
Trout Unlimited’s efforts in the Great Lakes region continue to expand and 2018 was a big year for accomplishments in both the field and in advocacy efforts. TU staff and volunteers worked on dozens of major stream restoration, protection and reconnection projects in the region. TU’s active involvement in important issues helped move the needle on issues…
Protecting Bristol Bay… This One is Personal
By Chris Wood Last month’s release of the draft “environmental impact statement” to permit industrial-scale mining in Bristol Bay, Alaska, made me recall the first time I set eyes on that remarkable landscape nearly 12 years ago. Trout Unlimited was looking to expand our presence in Alaska, so I consulted Tim Bristol, a long-time Alaska…
