
Conservation | Page 156

  • Conservation

    The Affordable Clean Energy Rule in context

    The power industry has put more natural gas power plants online, but the repeal of the Clean Power Plan could slow progress toward fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Wikimedia commons photo. By Jim Wilson As a member of TU’s National Leadership Council Climate Change Working Group, I volunteered to write a blog about EPA’s proposed alternative to…

  • Conservation

    Impacts of climate change on tailwaters

    By Michael Riley Tailwaters are known for their ability to provide clean, cold water conditions suitable to support robust trout populations. Tailwaters can provide cold water during dry conditions and also help negate the effects of flooding. But as drought and flash flooding become more extreme with climate change even tailwaters have their limits, leaving the trout vulnerable. In the drought-ridden West, competition for…

  • Conservation Science

    Impacts of climate change on tailwaters

    By Michael Riley Tailwaters are known for their ability to provide clean, cold water conditions suitable to support robust trout populations. Tailwaters can provide cold water during dry conditions and also help negate the effects of flooding. But as drought and flash flooding become more extreme with climate change even tailwaters have their limits, leaving…

  • Conservation

    Act Now to Help Protect the Methow Headwaters

    We need your support to help urge the BLM to protect the Methow Headwaters and the habitat it provides for rainbow trout, cutthroat trout, bull trout, mountain whitefish, Chinook salmon, and steelhead. A mineral withdrawal would make the 340,000 acres of U.S. Forest Service land in the Upper Methow Valley off-limits to large-scale mining for…

  • Conservation

    Election losses and wins

    Wild Alaska at dusk. By Chris Wood Last Tuesday was Election Day. The Democrats took over in the House of Representatives. The Republicans solidified their hold on the Senate. Buried in the shuffle was the outcome of two separate ballot initiatives . First, in Montana, Trout Unlimited worked closely with Montana TU and other partners…