
Conservation | Page 164

  • Conservation

    Remembering Don Garvin

    Three great West Virginia conservationists (from left to right): Don Gasper, Don Garvin, and Larry Harris. It was with deep sadness that I learned of Don Garvin's passing. Don was a true giant of conservation; and a real hero of Trout Unlimited. In addition to being one of the original founders, Don served as a…

  • Conservation

    Tell your story

    My Dad says it happened when I was about 7 years old. Some punk lifeguards and their hangers-on were tormenting a sand shark they had pulled from the surf down the Jersey shore. I marched in between the sea of tree-trunk legs and, through my tears, carried the dead fish back to the surf. My…

  • Conservation

    Flies, flies and more flies

    I tie flies like I play guitar. Poorly. An occasional creation will resemble a known fly, and an even more occasional fly will fool a fish, but my skills as a tyer are limited. That may explain my fascination with really-good tyers—people who can create, with a combination of fur, wire, tinsel, and feathers, creations…

  • Conservation

    Set, set, set!

    “Set, set, set!” I shot up in bed, slammed my hand above the bedpost, and in the process spilled a bottle of water onto my book on the night-stand. Damn Pancho and Teo. Awaking from my dream, and cleaning up the water, I thought about my friend, Pancho Panzer—a proud Trout Unlimited business member and…