
Conservation | Page 168

  • Conservation

    Of Sons and Walleye

    “Dad, look!” I followed Wylie’s arm and saw a big bald eagle perched in a tree. It was one of 10 sightings that week. Wylie, 13, has grown taller than my 6’2”. When we go back-to-back, it is only a mother who remembers her first baby, and his hyper-competitive brothers who refuse to allow their…

  • Conservation

    TU’s interns rock!

    I have owned three suits in my life. The last one I bought was a classic seersucker to officiate at the outdoor wedding in Augustin Atlanta of my friends Neil and Mara (until that afternoon, I did not know one could sweat through a tie). The second was for my own wedding—a white linen suit,…

  • Conservation

    How are aquatic insects coping with climate change?

    A Willowemoc creek green drake. By Jerry Schoen We have seen a lot on the TU blog and elsewhere about how climate change is affecting fish and their cold-water habitats, but one under-appreciated concern is that climate change also disrupts the life cycles of aquatic insects. This, in turn, might upset entire freshwater food chains…