A New Bill to Protect Oregon’s Wild Owyhee Canyonlands
Support this important legislation and watch a new fishing video from the Owyhee Sportsmen Coalition Legislation to protect Oregon’s Owyhee Canyonlands was reintroduced on June 8th by Oregon Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley. This legislation is the product of input from tribes and stakeholders including ranchers, hunters, anglers, conservation groups, local governments, and state…
Green Thumbs for Salmon and Steelhead
TU volunteers remove invasive weeds at a restoration site in Washington’s Chehalis River Basin On a sunny Saturday morning in early June, a group of TU staff and volunteers gathered at Camp Creek, a tributary of Washington’s Chehalis River, to help TU’s Alex Gustafson remove Spotted Jewelweed from riparian habitat at the site of a…
Salmon Recovery Must be Built on Ambitious, Achievable Goals Instead of Bare Minimums
The communities and ecosystem of the Columbia River Basin need healthy and harvestable salmon and steelhead populations. Haley Ohms and Rob Masonis Efforts to recover salmon in the Columbia River Basin have been ongoing for more than three decades, since Snake River sockeye salmon were first protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1991. …
What’s going on in the Great Salt Lake?
Making sense of the doomsday scenarios, donations and what role TU is playing in this important watershed. With recent headlines predicting a dire future for the Great Salt Lake due to the extended drought and climate change, many are wondering what got us here and if there is any hope to restore one of Utah’s…
Spring Chinook runs…disappointing (but unsurprising) declines continue
Now is our chance to let the Biden Administration know it is time to act. As the spring Chinook salmon migration nears its end in much of the Snake River basin, it is time to reflect on what was and was not. In February, fisheries managers forecasted 85,900 spring Chinook salmon would return to the…
TU Goes to The Hill for Abandoned Mine Cleanup
Trout Unlimited CEO Chris Wood testifies in favor of community reclamation legislation to facilitate abandoned mine cleanup. This week, Trout Unlimited President and CEO Chris Wood testified in favor of the proposed Community Reclamation Partnerships Act to facilitate cleanup of abandoned mines by community reclaimers, also known as “Good Samaritans,” in the Mining and Natural…
Partners Building Fire Resilience with the Forest Service in Washington
USFS Chief Moore gets a firsthand look at TU restoration work in the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. The eastern slopes of the Cascade Mountains in North Central Washington are one of the epicenters for catastrophic fire risk in the Western United States. Climate change, tree disease and over a century of forest mismanagement are to blame.…
