
Conservation | Page 23

  • Clean Water Act

    Celebrating Bristol Bay 

    President Joe Biden and Alannah Hurley laugh together in the oval office

    In January we celebrated the monumental news of finalized Clean Water Act 404(c) safeguards for the headwaters of Bristol Bay. Last week, the celebration continued with a party at the White House.   Trout Unlimited’s CEO Chris Wood and Alaska Director Nelli Williams attended a historic celebration of Bristol Bay’s newly finalized protections with many friends…

  • Restoration

    New York trout benefit from restoration efforts

    Momentum is building for TU’s restoration team in New York

    Stream with rocks on bank surrounded by snow covered ground

    Momentum is building for TU’s restoration team in New York Trout Unlimited’s Northeast Coldwater Habitat team has designed and implemented an impressive catalog of strategic improvement projects across the state of New York, while actively gaining new information to prioritize future initiatives.   Within watersheds of all sizes, we continue to find unique challenges that…

  • Restoration

    The Willowemoc- A Healthy Momentum 

    Trout Unlimited has been actively working to improve trout streams in the Catskills since the late 1950s and shows no signs of stopping.  In partnership with the town of Rockland and Friends of the Upper Delaware, Trout Unlimited staff have begun survey assessment work to better understand the current conditions and challenges facing Willowemoc Creek…