Listen now: Lessons from the Klamath Dams
TU’s Brian Johnson joins The River Rambler podcast for a conversation about dam removal, coalition building and what comes next on the Klamath Basin On the new episode of The River Rambler podcast, TU’s California Director Brian Johnson joins artist, angler and conservationist Richard Harrington for a wide-ranging conversation about the historic effort to reconnect…
Huge milestone reached in Bristol Bay conservation efforts
The world’s greatest sockeye salmon runs granted new protection under the Clean Water Act Alaska Tribes, anglers and hunters, commercial fishermen and thousands of other businesses and advocates are celebrating a huge milestone in conserving Bristol Bay’s incredible fisheries. After nearly 13 years of tribal consultation, unwavering public input and scientific review, the Environmental Protection…
A twin-engine airlift for native trout, steelhead and salmon
In Oregon, anglers call in a helicopter to upgrade fish habitat on the Clackamas Over the course of two days in late July, a powerful twin-engine helicopter flew multiple trips into the headwaters of Oregon’s Clackamas River to carefully place nearly 400 large logs along three miles of Berry and Cub Creeks. The two tributaries…
Safeguards for America’s largest, fishiest forest
Roadless Rule restored on 9.3 million acres of the Tongass
Roadless Rule restored on 9.3 million acres of the Tongass A huge swath of America’s largest and fishiest forest is now safe from industrial clear-cut logging of old growth trees. The U.S. Forest Service announced this week that it is restoring roadless protections on 9.3 million acres of Southeast Alaska’s Tongass National Forest, conserving plentiful…
Trout Unlimited Presents: Flowing Free
Recovering native trout and restoring communities in Wisconsin On a seasonably mild early September day last year, Chris Collier stood on a bridge deep in Wisconsin’s Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest. As he watched the creek flow under his feet, Collier couldn’t help but smile. The newly installed bridge had replaced a culvert blocking fish passage, and…
Working together for the gold: Meadow restoration in Golden Trout country
For the California Golden Trout, even minor levels of meadow degradation have big impacts on resident populations.
Mountain meadows serve as a key habitat for many inland native trout species across the West. Unfortunately for California’s inland trout populations, some sixty percent of meadow habitat in the Sierra Nevada—home to eight distinct native trout species—is considered impaired. For the California Golden Trout, whose native range sits above 7,500 feet in elevation and…
Unearthed: Excavating a wild cutthroat stream in Montana
Here’s a case study for why we need a new approach to abandoned mine cleanups The stamping mill from the old mine is a concrete ruin four miles up a dirt road from the town of Superior, Mont., population 800, in the Bitterroot Range. It’s astride a tributary that you could hop across, Flat Creek,…
