
Conservation | Page 36

  • Conservation Advocacy

    ‘High potential for harm’

    The inefficient and outdated way that oil and gas leases are sold on our public lands puts our big game species, trout populations, and sage grouse habitat at risk. In collaboration with the National Wildlife Federation and Rocky Mountain Wild, Trout Unlimited has released a new report highlighting the Bureau of Land Management’s wasteful and…

  • Advocacy

    4 bills to keep the West wild

    With record high temperatures and historically low water levels, Congress needs to act quickly to conserve and protect some of America’s most cherished places With an estimated 47 percent of Western trout habitat at risk of being lost by 2080, Trout Unlimited is working to conserve public lands and fish habitat, and mitigate the impacts…

  • Conservation Community

    Feeding mind, body and soul

    Feeding Mind, Body and Soul: The art of subsistence by Marian GiannulisAll photos courtesy of Apay’u Moore Traditional fishing methods build community and well-being in the heart of Bristol Bay Sixty percent of the meat Apay’u Moore consumes in any given year is harvested through subsistence methods. Salmon are caught with set nets anchored to…

  • Conservation Advocacy

    Small waters, big fish

    Leveraging federal dollars and partnership muscle to unblock legendary wild fisheries on the OP  Adult wild steelhead can be as long as your leg and weigh 20 pounds. Yet these remarkable fish have adapted to utilize habitats so small that a guppy might feel claustrophobic in them. A case in point is Wisen Creek on…