
Conservation | Page 49

  • Boats Featured

    A boat trailer’s curse

    Some things aren’t meant to last a lifetime. It was a good run of nearly six years, but I think it’s time to part ways with an old friend. I’m not a superstitious person but this raft trailer is cursed. I’m sure of it, which is why I’ve chosen to cut it loose on the…

  • Conservation Dam Removal From the President

    Hope and resilience in the Garden State

    Imagine that, a native brook trout stream within sight of New York City.

    Hope and resilience. Those were the two words that stuck with me as I walked the miles-long trail with Chris Henrickson, the chapter president of the East Jersey chapter of TU. Eventually, we made our way to a small deteriorating dam. Behind the dam, water collects into a small reservoir, where it warms up under…

  • Advocacy

    First voices, first advocates

    Fish racks hold sockeye salmon that will be put away from winter at a traditional fish camp on the banks of the Koktuli River. By Mountain Mind Media . Today, as part of Indigenous People’s Day, we are taking a moment to highlight the people in the Bristol Bay community who were in this place first, who…

  • Fishing Conservation

    Slamming at 67

    “She had crawled half-way over a log that much larger than she was when she spotted a Bonnie in a small pool on the other side of the log,” he recalled. “Not wanting to scare it away, she laid down on the log and pushed her rod slowly in front of her. Before she could get the fly where she really wanted it, another trout rose and took it.”

    Beth Lynn Dishman fishes for a Colorado River cutthroat trout to complete one of her seven Utah Cutthroat Slams. Paul Dishman photo. Fishing challenge for native cutthroat trout keeps Utah couple busy and close Beth Lynn Dishman thought her fishing days were over. It had been years, even decades, since she last held a fly…