
Conservation | Page 50

  • Government Affairs Climate Change From the field Restoration

    Oft-divided groups tour ranch along the Wyoming-Colorado border

    FFA president joins Trout Unlimited and other partners to urge passage of infrastructure funding to ensure water security in the West By Laura Ziemer and Pat O'Toole It’s not every day that you see municipal, agricultural, and conservation interests coming together around big, substantive issues. Last month, these diverse interests jointly urged Congress to include resources for water, forestry and ecosystem…

  • Boats Featured Fishing

    Quick tip: How to rehab an old rusty trailer

    One of the trailers was already prepped and ready to go while the other one was dirty and had surface rust covering most of it. We remove the wheels, I then hit the rusty one with a sander

    This tip came to me from newly found friend Cody Richardson. You may know Cody from his incredibly creative use of license plates to make customized fish art. Apparently he's a bit of a boat head too, and definitely knows his way around a shop. This past weekend, he made use of some fancy Sherwin-Williams…

  • Government Affairs Featured

    Congress must act to reform ancient mining laws

    Abandoned hard-rock mines create some of the most significant water quality problems facing our country, but in Congress we have an opportunity to invest in cleaning up pollution of the past, while modernizing our mining laws so we don’t face the same issues in the future. With an estimated $54 billion in cleanup costs and tens of thousands of abandoned mines polluting our lands and waters, action is long…

  • Community Featured

    Every week can be Trout Week

    The inaugural Flylords/Trout Unlimited Trout Week is wrapping up, but we can all keep it going in the weeks and months to come. From committing ourselves to increasing our personal conservation efforts on local waters, to connecting more with TU opportunities and initiatives online and across the country, every week can be Trout Week. Here's…

  • Advocacy Featured

    Soul of the Snake

    Those who care about the imperiled Snake River salmon and steelhead need to speak up on their behalf—now—said Nez Perce Vice Chairman Shannon Wheeler and U.S. Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) this week during a special “Trout Week” event with Trout Unlimited CEO Chris Wood. “The Nez Perce are charged with honoring our ancient covenant that…