TU and National Parks Conservation Association call for modernizing oil and gas leasing
Millions of Americans are spending more time exploring the waters we fish, the national parks we enjoy and wild places near and far. The benefits of these activities are numerous and they breathe life into the many local economies that depend on booming outdoor recreation — this year more so than ever. At the same…
Anglers, hunters and outdoor recreation companies to Biden administration: The dams must come out
The hunting and angling community is opening a new front in the campaign to restore Snake River salmon. This month, Trout Unlimited joined dozens of fish and wildlife groups and major outdoor recreation companies in calling on the Biden administration to develop a comprehensive solution to the collapse of salmon and steelhead populations that includes…
When in doubt, scout it out
There comes a time in our rowing careers where we find a groove. We've been there and rowed that many times over the course of 10 years or more. That experience level may make us more proficient at rowing trickier water but it can also make us all a bit overconfident which can lead to…
Horsing around with native cutthroat trout in Great Basin National Park
Bonneville cutthroat trout wait in Snake Creek before being loaded on horses and mules for a ride to Johnson Lake. Brett Prettyman photo. Biologists ask riders to move trout to sanctuary in Great Basin National Park Editor's note: Our "American Places" series highlights lands and waters that make this nation unique. These places are near…
House takes steps to modernize oil and gas leasing
America's public lands are meant for multiple uses: fishing, hunting, hiking, camping, general outdoor recreation, and of course, industry—where it makes sense. But for too long, oil and gas leasing and drilling on public lands throughout the nation have enjoyed priority status. It is past time to grant all uses equal footing — and there…
Trout Unlimited prevails in lawsuit; EPA will reinstate proposed protections
This week, we moved a step closer to lasting protections for the Bristol Bay region and the most prolific sockeye salmon fishery on the planet. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that it would reinstate the 2014 “Proposed Determination” that would set limits on mine-related pollution in the Bristol Bay region. The move comes…
The Book Cliffs in Utah provide solace and critical habitat
Editor's note: TROUT Magazine Online will publish frequent essays on "American Places," lands and waters that make the nation unique. These essays will be crafted by Trout Unlimited staffers, contributing writers and volunteers. These places are near and dear to many and worthy of sharing in hopes of creating more advocates for the treasures so…
