
Conservation | Page 59

  • Conservation Featured

    Thinking big on the Upper Rio Grande

    Trout Unlimited has worked in the upper Rio Grande drainage for years, investing staff and volunteer time into things like raising water tables, reconnecting rivers with their flood plains and protecting public lands. We've worked with indigenous people and local communities to protect and restore this important watershed. We're now combining and organizing our various…

  • Dam Removal

    StreamTech Boats stands with TU on Lower Snake proposal

    “I think we have a responsibility to wild fish and to wild rivers,” Link said. “In the 1800’s, the Snake River produced runs of two million fish – over half of the spring/summer Chinook salmon and summer steelhead came from this one basin. Even today, if you look at the entire Columbia River Basin, the Snake River has by far the greatest potential for recovering wild salmon and steelhead in the entire watershed.”

    I think I met Link Jackson from StreamTech Boats not long after I came to work at Trout Unlimited. I’m pretty sure it was in Missoula, and I recall our conversation clearly. Mostly, I remember thinking, “Wow! This guy knows boats!” First impressions are sometimes misleading, but this one wasn’t. It was dead-on. This guy…