Faces of Restoration: Meyers Earthworks and its stake in restoring California’s chinook salmon
Meyers Earthwork crew constructing a roughened rock ramp to restore passage at the Deer Creek Irrigation District Dam, summer 2019.Photo by Amiana McEwen, Northwest Hydraulic Consultants. Editor's note: TU works with some extremely talented characters while developing and completing projects in the field that help make fishing better. We are excited to bring you a series highlighting these contractors. We hire equipment…
The tipping point for salmon and steelhead
These remarks were delivered yesterday at the 2021 Environmental Conference at the Andrus Center for Public Policy at Boise State University. I want to begin my remarks today by talking about SARs—not the viral respiratory disease, but the percentage of juvenile salmon or smolts that survive the ocean, and their trek through the dams, and return to spawn. Experts call this the “smolt to adult…
TU moms share and learn about the outdoors from their kids
Besides, what if her children – including those she has worked with through Trout Unlimited’s youth initiative programs - emerged as leaders of conservation and increase their generation’s efforts to restore and protect nature?
The joy of discovery and setting an example Long before she was a mother, Tara Granke understood the importance of connecting kids to nature. When her son, August, arrived nearly three years ago she quickly became aware of how much she could learn from him. “It is so amazing to watch his sense of wonder…
Pennsylvania’s Valley Creek featured in latest TU/TRCP video
Pennsylvania’s Valley Creek, in the Valley Forge National Historic Park, is featured in a new video from Trout Unlimited and the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership. The short video — the fourth in a series — highlights the crucial role the Keystone Fund has played in preserving the natural areas so valued by Pennsylvania’s hunters, anglers and conservationists. By Emily Baldauff Less than…
21st century mining requires 21st century mining policy
As originally appeared in the Native American Fish & Wildlife Society newsletter by Ty Churchwell, TU's Angler Conservation Program's mining coordinato There’s an old saying, “If it’s not grown, it’s mined.” What a profound thing to think about, and it’s true. Whether it’s the food you eat, the cotton in your trousers or the 2x4s…
Environmental threats and lost revenue plague system of public lands management
Federal practices related to oil and gas leases are out of step with Colorado values As originally published in Colorado Newsline By Mark Seaton There’s a looming threat to public lands in Colorado, but Congress can take action before it turns into a hornet’s nest for fishing and hunting in our state. Consider for a…
Race up Rock Creek
Last year it was Larry who wowed the crowd with his 140 mile swim. This year, Trash Can Jr. is in the lead, migrating nearly 50 miles to date. But the real question is what the heck is going on with Wesley Cooper Saywell Farty Pants? It’s the 4th and final year for the Race…