Taking in the infrastructure of nature in New Mexico
Humans are coming to grips with the damage we've done ... and the need to repair it Even in New Mexico, a state so over-endowed with emptiness that one can find a place to hide a body almost anywhere, Gila country is about the loneliest place imaginable. The closer you get, as I realized on…
StreamTech Boats stands with TU on Lower Snake proposal
“I think we have a responsibility to wild fish and to wild rivers,” Link said. “In the 1800’s, the Snake River produced runs of two million fish – over half of the spring/summer Chinook salmon and summer steelhead came from this one basin. Even today, if you look at the entire Columbia River Basin, the Snake River has by far the greatest potential for recovering wild salmon and steelhead in the entire watershed.”
I think I met Link Jackson from StreamTech Boats not long after I came to work at Trout Unlimited. I’m pretty sure it was in Missoula, and I recall our conversation clearly. Mostly, I remember thinking, “Wow! This guy knows boats!” First impressions are sometimes misleading, but this one wasn’t. It was dead-on. This guy…
Collaboration eases conflict in the Upper Colorado River drainage
Editor's note: Water in the West is at a defining moment with severe drought and climate change upending decades of management practices and creating the need to find common ground so all users can benefit. Read or listen to learn more about how conflict can lead to collaboration in the second installment of our Western Water 101…
Little water and big hopes
Shortly before departing for the nearly 20-hour drive south from my home in Idaho my contact in New Mexico casually mentioned on a call how the snowpack was only 16 percent compared to the average and to keep my fishing expectations low
Western Native Trout Challenge: Pursuing one of the world's rarest trout across scorched earth Editor's note: Daniel Ritz is fishing across the Western United States this summer in an attempt to accomplish the Master Caster class of the Western Native Trout Challenge. He will attempt to land each of the 20 native trout species in their historical ranges of…
Fishing and hunting on a refuge? You bet
The Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming. At first blush it may seem odd that hunting and fishing is allowed on wildlife refuges, let alone expanding these uses as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently proposed. After all, they are wildlife refuges, right? However, hunting and fishing on refuge lands goes back to earliest days of the refuge system…
Snake River salmon and steelhead remain on the brink
Steelhead and salmon returns to the Snake River basin in Idaho and Oregon continue to dwindle, and the fish are on a path toward extinction. Josh Duplechian photo. Taxpayers have invested $17 billion with no measurable results Editor's note: Today is Endangered Species Day, the perfect day to shine light on perhaps the largest crisis…
LWCF can be your guide to fishing in your backyard
If you don't know where to go fishing next, check out this map. Compiled by the Trust for Public Land, it outlines every project the Land and Water Conservation Fund has helped become a reality over the past half century. There is also a map to looks at potential future projects — a glimpse into…
