
Conservation | Page 73

  • Advocacy Conservation

    The ‘lame duck’ session is here

    A windmill in Idaho.

    In just over a month, the results of the 2020 elections will take effect.   That means the clock is ticking for the 116th Congress. Outgoing legislators will leave D.C., and newly elected members will take their seats, each with a fresh list of priorities and promises to fulfill for their constituents. Leadership positions will change, creating entirely new dynamics of power in the House and Senate.   Elected…

  • Conservation Restoration

    A wet road is no place for wild trout

    By Mark Taylor  During her hundreds of days wearing an electrofishing backpack in Pennsylvania, Kathleen Lavelle has searched for trout in just about every kind of stream, from tiny trickles to plunging, boisterous mountain rivers.  But on a day in August 2019, she experienced something new.  Lavelle and her crew were shocking fish in a road. …

  • Voices from the river Featured

    Old trout don’t need a mirror

    Unlike humans, trout only grow more beautiful with age. I know, I know, beauty’s on the inside, but come on. We are all aware of growing older and should be able to admit to being bothered by it sometimes.

    There are billions of reasons to love trout, their fickleness bordering on intelligence, their powerful reluctance to surrender in battle, and their impeccable taste in house and lot. The way trout look is enough by itself.  This latter attribute expresses itself throughout a trout’s life. Baby trout are like jewels, their scales and inquisitive eyes shooting sunshine in every direction. The…

  • Barriers Conservation Featured

    Spawning salmon approve of Michigan fish passage improvement project

    While I knew increasing the size of a road crossing is always better for lowering flood flows, it is also incredibly beneficial to not just fish but also terrestrial species that use river corridors to migrate

    By Chad Kotke  I am a fairly new employee to Trout Unlimited but my heart has been with TU since my childhood.   My father wrote articles for the original Trout Magazine and he even still sports his original TU coffee mug, which he received as payment.   My most recent job prior to coming to TU…

  • Community Conservation Featured Western Water and Habitat Program

    Simms, TU partner to focus on the Gallatin in Montana

    Multi-year collaboration will benefit fishery, community When collaboration works well, it has a tendency to grow into new opportunities. It happened this summer during a call between Chris Wood, CEO and president of Trout Unlimited, and K. C. Walsh, executive chair of Simms Fishing Products. They had been discussing how to stand united against Pebble Mine…

  • Conservation Featured

    Pebble Mine stopped

    U.S. Army Corps denies permit to construct massive open-pit mine in the headwaters of Bristol Bay Today, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers denied the key permit for the proposed Pebble Mine and announced that it found the proposed Pebble mine would cause significant degradation to the Bristol Bay region.  That’s right. After nearly two decades of…