TU lauds governor’s action setting conservation goals for California
Executive order aims to conserve 30 percent of California's lands and water by 2030 Last week, California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an executive order responding to the effects of the warming climate on California’s natural heritage and its human communities. This order establishes as state policy the goal of conserving 30 percent of the state’s…
Vote for Utah’s hunting and fishing heritage
By Andy Rasmussen In 1777, a dozen years before the signing of the U.S. Constitution, Vermont passed the first state constitutional provision providing for the right to hunt and fish. Since 1996, over 20 other states, many in the West, have adopted similar amendments. These amendments protect sporting and outdoor traditions as a valued part of the region’s heritage and economy and preserve them in…
Forest Service oil and gas rulemaking is a public land fire sale
Oil and gas leases on public lands continue to be offered for fire-sale prices, oftentimes in conflict with fish, wildlife and public land users. In fact, millions of acres of public land offered for oil and gas leases are being let go for as little as $1.50 per acre. This speculative leasing is creating mounds of unnecessary analysis and paperwork, diverting public land managers from other priorities…
Wildfire and climate change in Utah sparks conversation
By Andy Rasmussen This summer Utah has suffered through a near record wildfire season. And residents along the Wasatch Front have been breathing smoke from California’s four million burned acres for the past two months. Catastrophic wildfire on this scale can destroy everything Trout Unlimited works so hard to accomplish. High-country rivers and headwaters can…
The wild Tongass and common-sense policies
If you’re an angler, throughout the year you can search out the elusive steelhead in small creeks, swing flies for all five species of wild Pacific salmon, catch sea-run cutthroat, Dolly Varden and rainbow trout.
I grew up in the Tongass, the largest national forest in the United States. Most days, I feel like my upbringing here was like winning the lottery. My home bursts with diverse attractions and incredible recreation opportunities no matter my thrill of choice at any given time. One of my favorite parts about the area…
We Are TU: Crystal Elliot
We care about clean water, healthy fisheries and vibrant communities. We roll up our sleeves to volunteer, we sit on our boards, and we strategize as members and leaders of staff. We want you to join us. For a discounted first-time membership, click here: https://gifts.tu.org/we-are-tu The aim of this blog series is to highlight our friends, in…
TIC Cribs: the awesome new trout digs at the Trailside Museum in Cross River, N.Y.
Everyone is getting ready for 100 trout eggs arriving tomorrow at the Trailside Museum in Cross River, N.Y., and you can a sneak peak into the new digs that the trout will call home over the next eight months. The trout tank at the museum is ready for the eggs, which will arrive on Thursday,…