The question we should all be asking ourselves
How can we ensure a brighter future for our public lands? We have spent much of the past month reflecting on the role public lands play in our lives. But now is the time to make a plan. Safeguarding our outdoor traditions takes more than one month of celebrating public lands. The challenges are many: from habitat threats, to transfer of…
Hiking the CDT: Aunt Luchrysta, a bull moose in the river and West Yellowstone
Editor’s Note: The Strawbridge family from Lakeland, Fla., is hiking the length of the Continental Divide Trail – all 3,100 miles of it – from Canada to Mexico. Henry Strawbridge, 14, will be providing updates of their journey to Trout Unlimited as they pass through the historic range of seven native trout species. You can track the…
“One TU” Expansion in TU’s Draft Strategic Plan
A focus on driving “One TU” forward, with emphasis on engagement and a new membership model are among the major points in the early drafts of the new Trout Unlimited Strategic Plan. The organization has engaged the firm Bernuth & Williamson to lead the staff and volunteers through the process and has developed a working…
Fixing what ails our western forests and communities
The haze over the early morning sun spurred a call from a friend. “Did you see the moon this morning? It’s wild!” It wasn’t the moon, but it was wild. Wildfires 3,000 miles away shrouded the sun in smoke. The light smoke in Washington, D.C., signaled devastation in the West. In California, for example, at least 26 people have perished from wildfire, and more than 7,000 structures were destroyed. In…
The tonic of wildness
If you are active in the outdoors, it’s hard to beat living in the American West. That’s because all states west of the Great Plains have big swaths of public lands available for fishing and hunting. Except when big swaths of extraordinary wildfire shut them down. Right smack in the middle of Public Lands Month.…
We are TU: Jacob Fetterman
Meet the Trout Unlimited staffer behind the newest Home Rivers Initiative on the Battenkill River in Vermont and New York
We care about clean water, healthy fisheries and vibrant communities. We roll up our sleeves to volunteer, we sit on our boards, and we strategize as members and leaders of staff. We want you to join us. For a discounted first-time membership, click here: https://gifts.tu.org/we-are-tu The aim of this blog series is to highlight our friends, in…
How the BATTERY Act could make a difference for trout and salmon
U.S. Rep. Paul Tonko, a Democrat from New York, and Rep. John Curtis, a Republican from Utah, recently came together to introduce the BATTERY Act, legislation that will establish a research, development and demonstration program for recycling critical minerals used in advanced battery technologies, such as those in our cell phones and electric vehicles. At a time noted for its polarized…
