
Conservation | Page 85

  • Conservation

    FERC clarifies path to Klamath dam removal

    The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) this week approved the partial transfer of ownership of four dams on the Klamath River from the utility PacifiCorp to the Klamath River Renewal Corporation (KRRC). The purpose of this transfer is to enable the KRRC to decommission and remove these dams, beginning in 2021. FERCs decision marks a…

  • Conservation

    Trout and conservation get two big wins in Pennsylvania

    By Rob Shane Pennsylvania’s trout fisheries were on the receiving end of two conservation wins recently.   The first is passage of legislation that will pump much needed revenue into the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission’s coffers.  The second is the long-awaited release of the 2020-2024 Draft Trout Stream Management Plan.   Over the past 16 years, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission has not been able to implement a fishing license fee…

  • Conservation Featured

    New NEPA rule a disappointment for anglers

    "Any actions that limit transparency and public engagement are actions that undermine trust and forsake opportunities to bring stakeholders together. Federal decision making can be a time-consuming process, but quick decisions often lead to bad decisions," says TU's Chris Wood about rollbacks to NEPA 

    The Trump administration announced final rollbacks to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) today, a bedrock environmental law signed in 1970 to balance environmental risks when permitting major projects such as pipelines and highways. The final rule cuts opportunity for public participation, reduces considerations of climate change when making decisions and significantly curtails the amount…

  • Community Conservation

    Aquaz and TU Alaska

    The Trout Unlimited Alaska team is excited to introduce a new partnership with Aquaz Fishing. The new offer will help raise funds to support TU’s work in Southeast Alaska, specifically with the America’s Salmon Forest campaign focused on maintaining and, where needed, restoring the spawning and rearing habitat for fish and wildlife in the Tongass National Forest.   America’s Salmon Forest is a coalition of fishermen, business owners and…