Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide Academy postponed
A few months into the global pandemic, I know that I’m not the only one disappointed by postponed or cancelled plans. While our team pivoted our organizing and communications work so we can still advocate for coldwater fisheries in Alaska, much of our summer programming is cancelled to protect the small villages and towns in the communities we work from COVID-19. Perhaps our most disappointing but necessary cancellation is the Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide…
Better late than never for TU intern team in Wisconsin
By Chris Collier A pair of college interns are helping Trout Unlimited collect field data and prioritize restoration projects for brook trout in Wisconsin’s Northwoods. Interns play an important role for TU during the summer, but the program in the Great Lakes and beyond was in doubt earlier this spring. In mid-March, TU’s field programs had to freeze the hiring process…
Extinction, Idaho?
Our iconic Snake River chinook salmon are down to less than 1 percent of their historic numbers. With a few real exceptions, juvenile smolts in Idaho rear in some of the West’s best habitat, but on their way to the Pacific Ocean they must traverse eight dams, including four on the lower Snake River. How…
We are TU: Marsha Benovengo
We care about clean water, healthy fisheries and vibrant communities. We roll up our sleeves to volunteer, we sit on our boards, and we strategize as members and leaders of staff. We want you to join us. For a discounted first-time membership, click here: https://gifts.tu.org/we-are-tu The aim of this blog series is to highlight our friends, in…
Hiking the CDT: Seven native trout, 3,100 miles, five months
Editor’s Note: The Strawbridge family from Lakeland, Fla., is hiking the length of the Continental Divide Trail – all 3,100 miles of it – from Canada to Mexico. Henry Strawbridge, 14, will be providing updates of their journey to Trout Unlimited as they pass through the historic range of seven native trout species. You can track the…
TU members in NY urged to comment on draft trout plan
The New York council of Trout Unlimited is urging TU members to comment on the state’s recently released Draft Fisheries Management Plan for Inland Trout Streams. The plan will provide a detailed road map for protecting trout waters and informing management decisions to improve fishing for trout, among the state’s most sought-after gamefish. The Department of Environmental Conservation made the plan public on May 29, 2020. The deadline…
TU’s Wood on Pebble Mine: ‘Wrong mine in the wrong place’
This week, TU President and CEO Chris Wood joined three other panelists and helped lead a discussion on the perils presented by the proposed Pebble Mine to the salmon and trout fisheries of southwest Alaska. ConservAmerica, a "right-of-center" organization that advocates for market-based solutions to environmental challenges, hosted the discussion. Wood led off the discussion…