Look to the science
Poverty Flats (credit: US Forest Service) How do we bring back salmon and steelhead? Look to the science. My career in conservation was informed by a magical experience at a place called Poverty Flats in the middle of the South Fork of the Salmon River in Idaho. At the end of a long day, as…
Chugach Electric members, cast your vote: support Eklutna River restoration
Southcentral Alaskans: The Chugach Electric Association (CEA) Board of Directors election and fishing opportunity in Southcentral Alaska have more in common than you may think. The CEA Board has potential to restore historical Chinook salmon habitat and create additional angling opportunity for Alaskans because CEA is a part owner of the Ekltuna Hydropower Project. There is a…
Russian River coho and steelhead conservation update
The Russian River watershed, north of San Francisco, is the focus of an intensive, multi-year effort to recover coho salmon – now one of the rarest native fish species in California. TU is playing a lead role in this effort through the Russian River Coho Water Resources Partnership. The focus of the Partnership is boosting…
Trout Unlimited activates ‘tree army’ in Michigan
By Jamie Vaughan With planting bags slung over their shoulders, gloves and a specialized tree planting tool called a "hoedad" in hand, the Rogue River Tree Army descended toward the river. In just three weeks, 16,000 newly planted trees took root in their new home, providing immediate benefits to the Rogue River watershed that will only increase with time. This large-scale tree planting initiative was conceived by Trout Unlimited in 2017 and came to fruition this spring thanks…
Attacks on the Clean Water Act continue
EPA issues final rule limiting state and tribal authority to protect their streams The Delaware River. (Trout Unlimited photo.) Six weeks after stripping federal protections from millions of miles of streams and millions of acres of wetlands, the Environmental Protection Agency is further weakening the Clean Water Act by sharply restricting the longstanding authority of…
The Land Ethic
We can turn to Aldo Leopold for important lessons that are ideal for the times.
Aldo Leopold was a philosopher, an ecologist and, very importantly, a writer. As though possessed of his talent for translating the universal, we quote him ad nauseam. And though the southwest still bears scars from his killing of wolves, cougars and other varmints, his eventual embrace of the predator as a force for ecological balance exemplifies a flexible and evolving mind that left a significant mark whenever it…
Building Ecosystem Resilience on Sheep Creek: A Tributary to the Grande River in Oregon
Sheep Creek is a tributary to the Grande Ronde River and provides important spawning and rearing habitat for salmon and steelhead. But over the past few years, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has found no salmon redds (nests) and few steelhead redds in the reach of Sheep Creek on U.S. Forest Service (USFS)…
