
Conservation | Page 93

  • Conservation Featured steelhead

    Chance of a lifetime

    How a unique partnership is working restore Eel River salmon and steelhead and keep water flowing to Russian River farms Along the fabled Lost Coast of California, and especially in the Eel River watershed, a three-party coalition of leading conservation groups is spearheading new, collaborative solutions to problems that are driving native steelhead and salmon…

  • Advocacy Conservation

    NM streams debate: Court can balance recreation, conservation

    Should New Mexicans have the right to wade, float and swim in all the state’s waterways? And if that’s the case, what does that mean for private landowners?

    As first seen in the Albuquerque Journal. By: Chris Wood, president and CEO of Trout Unlimited and Harris Klein, New Mexico Trout Unlimited Council Chair Soon, the New Mexico Supreme Court will settle the controversy about what the state Constitution has to say about the extent of the public’s right to access streams throughout the…

  • Advocacy

    Roadless Rule Repeal in Alaska? Bad idea.

    Road in the Tongass

    Keeping track of efforts to save the “Roadless Rule” in Alaska hasn't been easy.   But if you one day hope to visit the Tongass National Forest, nicknamed "America's Salmon Forest," or if you value public lands — and the jobs, cultures and recreation they sustain — you’ll want to tune in. The Roadless Rule in Alaska’s national norests could be…