
Conservation | Page 94

  • Youth Conservation

    ‘Trout Uber’ to the rescue during coronavirus classroom closures in NYC

    “When school closed, students expressed concern for the wellbeing of their trout. They were extremely disappointed when they realized that we would not be taking our trip up to Ward Pound Ridge to release them. They had been looking forward to this trip. So were the other 4th grade teachers. It is always the highlight trip of the year. They were very excited on Earth Day to watch the video of the release that you sent us. That made them proud. And there was an overall feeling of relief that they had been safely introduced into their natural habitat. Thank You!!!!” – Ms. Sims, PS 84, Brooklyn

    School closures in New York City started in March due to the coranovirus pandemic and brought many challenges. Although it pales in comparison to so many of the issues these closures meant to families, teachers and students, Trout Unlimited staff and volunteers across the country had a very specific cause of concern. What to do…

  • Conservation Featured

    Trout waters gain added protections in New Jersey

    More than 600 miles of streams in New Jersey have gained additional protections  On April 7, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) solidified a yearlong effort by Trout Unlimited and our partners to formally upgrade more than 600 miles of rivers and streams to Category One (C-1) protections, one of the strongest clean water protection standards offered in the Garden State. …

  • Advocacy

    Rose is at the ready for Wyoming anglers, hunters

    People and places change lives. This maxim is evident in Liz Rose’s new position as Wyoming field organizer with Trout Unlimited's Sportsmen’s Conservation Project.  Rose spent a lot of her childhood at a family cabin along the Sacramento River near Lake Shasta in California. Her time there fostered an interest in natural science and love…

  • Conservation Advocacy

    Patience to outlast Pebble

    Patience is a virtue that humans have collectively had to learn over the course of the last three months.   Patience looks different for us all. For some, it comes easy. For others, patience is our biggest daily challenge. But as anglers, it’s a concept that we know well. After all, many of us will wait…

  • Conservation

    Sponsor a Trout for the Race up Rock Creek

    “Supporting the research and projects that TU is doing was an easy choice,” Tim Panek said. “Knowing the travels and travails of these wild fish and protecting their habitat will not only enhance fishery, but more importantly, enhance Rock Creek for all the inhabitants and visitors to the valley including our family and friends.”

    By Tess Scanlon While Americans are home and restless for adventure, fish are still following their annual routines. Ever year at this time in Montana, when the rivers swell from snow melt and the water temperatures reach 42-50 degrees, rainbow and cutthroat trout embark on rigorous spring migrations to spawning grounds. Inland trout species will…

  • Conservation

    Beer boost: Team effort improves habitat on Virginia’s Beaver Creek

    By Mark Taylor  A team approach is helping improve trout habitat on a popular fishing stream near Harrisonburg, Va.  Trout Unlimited’s national staff partnered with the local TU chapter and a property owner to improve a section of Beaver Creek, a spring-fed stream that runs through private land but that is open to public fishing through a unique cooperative program.  The…

  • Conservation Featured

    Public lands reign supreme in Montana

    Support for public lands in Montana continues to grow

    By Colin Cooney A recent survey from the University of Montana shows voters consider public lands and outdoor businesses to be more critical than ever to Montana’s economy and quality of life. According to the poll, 89 percent of people think public lands help our economy, up 7 percent from the 2018. The survey also…