Watch now: Little Stream, Big Magic
Film highlights how U.S. Fish & Wildlife and TU are teaming up for brook trout in West Virginia In the opening seconds of the new film “Little Stream, Big Magic,” Trout Unlimited’s Dustin Wichterman drops a profound and powerful tip. “If you want to know the secret to catching fish,” Wichterman starts before breaking into…
Colorado greenbacks are … back
After more than a decade of work, the greenback cutthroat trout is now reproducing in its native range Seven years ago, on a cool mid-September morning, I joined other Colorado Trout Unlimited members and Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) staff at a 10,000-foot trailhead to Herman Gulch, a stream located in Arapaho National Forest west of…
Moving fish before the machinery arrives
Stream restoration projects require a variety of tools and tactics. Sometimes you use a trowel, and sometimes a bulldozer. In trout and salmon streams where water quality or habitat are highly degraded, you are more likely to need the latter. But when you bring in the heavy machinery, what happens to the fish living in…
Bull trout in Montana: Back from the brink?
In a watershed scarred by mining, TU is giving threatened fish populations a chance at recovery If you’ve ever driven Interstate 90 between Bozeman and Missoula, Mont., you’ve followed the winding Clark Fork River past Warm Springs. The unincorporated community is known for its state psychiatric hospital – built in the late 19th century –…
Alaska’s Indigenous communities at work in the Tongass
Southeast Alaska tribes have long cared for their lands. Now they’re at work restoring them. At nearly 17 million acres, Southeast Alaska’s Tongass National Forest is part of the world’s largest remaining intact temperate rain forest and produces around 30 percent of annual salmon catch in the western United States. The Tongass is home to…
A beautiful mess
Loading streams with wood may make the fishing tougher, but it’s great for trout. “Why do they keep putting trees in our stream!?” In the Northeast, where I work, this is a question we have been hearing a lot over the past couple of years, often with a sense of sadness or irritation in the…
Trout Unlimited presents: Spread Creek, Wyoming
A new TU film about reconnecting a river is a story of resilience, persistence, community, and thriving cutthroat trout. In 2010, Trout Unlimited removed an obsolete, crumbling irrigation diversion dam on Spread Creek, located just outside of Grand Teton National Park on Bridger-Teton National Forest lands. The partnership effort opened well over 50 miles of…