Be the beaver
Finding new appreciation for sleeping outdoors, for water, and for the work TU is doing to restore streams Falling asleep under the stars next to a crinkling creek is the best way to end a day. I learned this quickly as I began two months of conservation work in Oregon with the Northwest Youth Corps…
Hope in dry times
How we’re making key Western streams more hospitable for trout and people in the hotter, drier present As the West grapples with extreme and unprecedented drought, Trout Unlimited’s restoration pros and partners are pushing forward with on-the-ground work to make waters and fisheries more resilient to changing conditions. In Idaho, we are decommissioning a hydropower…
Yellowstone: Still open for business
Here’s how you can give back to the communities and businesses that give so much to visiting anglers and outdoor lovers Feast or famine—that is the weather pattern in the West. My friend Nate Blue recently wrote and told me that his town of Bodfish, Calif., had received 0.95 inches of rain so far in…
Planting trees for the benefit of trout, and the planet
How volunteers and staff are improving trout streams and helping reduce atmospheric CO2 Trout Unlimited chapters and staff members recently hosted 45 Plant for our Future events across 10 states. The 750 volunteers planted nearly 15,000 trees along 3 ½ linear stream miles and covering 38 acres, about the size of 30 football fields. Those…
Time to modernize a relic of westward expansion
To clean up the West’s abandoned mines, we need funding and liability protections for Good Samaritans who want to do the work This month marks the 150-year anniversary of the 1872 Mining Law, a relic of westward expansion and Manifest Destiny. Under the law, which governs hardrock mining on public lands, the federal government gave…
Newsletter touts 2021 highlights New England
This past year, it was great for our New England staff, along with our members and partners, to get out on the streams once again to start chipping away at a backlog of projects since most work came to an abrupt halt right near the beginning of the 2020 field season due to Covid. Thankfully…
Newsletter highlights TU’s work in New York
Hello 2022! Trout Unlimited’ s conservation work has continued around the state despite the delays and challenges brought about by the COVID pandemic. We have many highlights from a productive 2021, and some exciting things on the horizon for the coming year. Click below to download the full newsletter. Tracy Brown, the restoration manager for…