Surveying what’s left of Eklutna River’s Salmon
Standing on the edge of the bridge, staring down the dry riverbed, I wondered what the Eklutna River would look like when it was allowed to flow again.
This past fall I found myself frequenting the Eklutna River often, after plans solidified for the owners of the Eklutna Hydroelectric Project to briefly return water to the river for the first time since its construction in 1955. The water release was part of the study looking to mitigate the projects impacts on fish populations.…
Trout and the infrastructure bill: A Rio Grande case study
For two decades Trout Unlimited has worked to protect and restore one of the most unique trout sub-species in North America — the Rio Grande cutthroat — by engaging numerous partners in protecting, reconnecting and restoring coldwater habitats in the Rio Grande basin. In this semi-arid landscape, it has always been a challenge to stretch the basin’s water to…
Orvis backs Battenkill Home Rivers Initiative
Friends are great. Generous friends are really great. For the second year in a row, Orvis has chosen Trout Unlimited as the beneficiary of its Giving Tuesday efforts. Orvis will donate 10 percent of profits from retail and online sales on Nov. 30 to TU’s Battenkill Home Rivers Initiative, where we are two years into habitat improvement projects on the famous trout stream and several tributaries. "The…
Sprint to the finish on Klamath River dam removal
Signatories to the Klamath Basin Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement, including Trout Unlimited, held a press briefing on November 12 and said they are in a “sprint to the finish” to achieve the pact's principal goal of removing four old dams on the Klamath River. The signatories, including Tribal leaders, a representative of the ranching community, and…
Long road trip a journey through TU wins
“You’re driving?” The question came with an unmistakable tone of incredulity. I had just told a friend that I would be driving from my home in Virginia to a conference in northern Vermont. Their surprise was understandable. The shortest route from my home in Roanoke to Jay Peak Resort is 824 miles. There was a method to…
Reconnecting the Colorado River
What is so important about a connected river? Well, to trout, there is an obvious answer: connectivity gives them the ability to survive when adversity strikes. To anglers, there is also an obvious answer: a healthy fishery translates into a better experience on the water. But there is much more to a connected river, and…
Oft-divided groups tour ranch along the Wyoming-Colorado border
FFA president joins Trout Unlimited and other partners to urge passage of infrastructure funding to ensure water security in the West By Laura Ziemer and Pat O'Toole It’s not every day that you see municipal, agricultural, and conservation interests coming together around big, substantive issues. Last month, these diverse interests jointly urged Congress to include resources for water, forestry and ecosystem…