Sprint to the finish on Klamath River dam removal
Signatories to the Klamath Basin Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement, including Trout Unlimited, held a press briefing on November 12 and said they are in a “sprint to the finish” to achieve the pact's principal goal of removing four old dams on the Klamath River. The signatories, including Tribal leaders, a representative of the ranching community, and…
Long road trip a journey through TU wins
“You’re driving?” The question came with an unmistakable tone of incredulity. I had just told a friend that I would be driving from my home in Virginia to a conference in northern Vermont. Their surprise was understandable. The shortest route from my home in Roanoke to Jay Peak Resort is 824 miles. There was a method to…
Reconnecting the Colorado River
What is so important about a connected river? Well, to trout, there is an obvious answer: connectivity gives them the ability to survive when adversity strikes. To anglers, there is also an obvious answer: a healthy fishery translates into a better experience on the water. But there is much more to a connected river, and…
Oft-divided groups tour ranch along the Wyoming-Colorado border
FFA president joins Trout Unlimited and other partners to urge passage of infrastructure funding to ensure water security in the West By Laura Ziemer and Pat O'Toole It’s not every day that you see municipal, agricultural, and conservation interests coming together around big, substantive issues. Last month, these diverse interests jointly urged Congress to include resources for water, forestry and ecosystem…
Snorkeling in frigid water, jumping jacks and a successful restoration project
By Jacob Fetterman Fish data, specifically trout population data, is integral to Trout Unlimited's work. Earlier this summer, I was brainstorming how we could ensure we are properly monitoring trout numbers in relation to the Battenkill Home Rivers Initiative. The Battenkill Home Rivers Initiative is a concentrated effort to protect, reconnect and restore the Battenkill watershed. It brings TU’s national mission to a…
Enduring with ‘grace under pressure’ in Rio Grande cutthroat trout country
It looked like the brookies were almost certain to extirpate native cutts and that work to improve Jim Creek was a lost cause
by Kevin Terry Growing up in rural northern New Mexico gave me the opportunity to interact with Rio Grande cutthroat trout in their beautiful and rugged native habitat. I also loved engaging with so many different people with different cultural backgrounds. I was blessed with great mentors with a diversity of perspectives. Some were teachers, some family and friends, others just people in my community with whom I…
Drought resiliency is important for ranching and for ranching families
Trout Unlimited project leader completes collaborative effort in the West What do you do when your new conservation job encompasses more than 15 million acres over three watersheds and three states? For Nicole Sullivan the answer was easy. Time to hit the pavement -- and a lot of dirt roads -- to meet the sparse…