North Coast Coho Project wins NOAA Partners Award
Another award highlights TU’s good work on coho populations and steelhead benefit too.
"Partners in the Spotlight” award recognizes TU’s leadership in building partnerships to restore priority habitats and advance Coho recovery in California. Trout Unlimited's North Coast Coho Project has earned a number of accolades for its partnership-driven habitat restoration work over the past 5 years. Recently, this ground-breaking program garnered another: national recognition by the National…
Trout Creek Project Restores Brook Trout Infrastructure in the Upper Peninsula
Upper Peninsula outdoor TV show “Discovering” features TU brook trout restoration project. In the heart of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, Kristen Ojaniemi cast a spinner into a pool on Trout Creek and reeled in its namesake, a native brook trout. Trout Creek is located in Ontonagon County in the Ottawa National Forest and in Trout Unlimited’s…
A New Video Celebrates an Ambitious Restoration Project on the Wallowa River
Northeast Oregon landowners partner with TU to restore salmon and steelhead habitat. Ian Wilson is a dedicated angler, a fisheries biologist and a restoration project manager for the Grande Ronde Model Watershed. His wife Heidi is a dedicated conservationist who works for the local Wallowa Land Trust. They are the fifth generation to live on…
A Fishery Lacking Fish
Brook trout habitat will expand once abandoned mine drainage (AMD) cleanup takes place on Beech Creek in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania’s Beech Creek winds its way through rugged hills that echo with the bugles of wild elk in the fall and thunder with the gobbles of turkeys in the spring. A mid-sized freestone stream lined with hemlock,…
New York trout benefit from restoration efforts
Momentum is building for TU’s restoration team in New York
Momentum is building for TU’s restoration team in New York Trout Unlimited’s Northeast Coldwater Habitat team has designed and implemented an impressive catalog of strategic improvement projects across the state of New York, while actively gaining new information to prioritize future initiatives. Within watersheds of all sizes, we continue to find unique challenges that…
Improving watershed and infrastructure health in the Cherokee National Forest
Del Rio, Tenn. — Standing atop a newly installed bridge over Wolf Creek, deep in Tennessee’s Cherokee National Forest, Brett Yaw and Sally Petre were both smiling proudly. Although their professional backgrounds are completely different — Petre is a stream and rivers biologist; Yaw is a civil engineer — they both played key roles in…
The Willowemoc- A Healthy Momentum
Trout Unlimited has been actively working to improve trout streams in the Catskills since the late 1950s and shows no signs of stopping. In partnership with the town of Rockland and Friends of the Upper Delaware, Trout Unlimited staff have begun survey assessment work to better understand the current conditions and challenges facing Willowemoc Creek…