Proposed Pebble Mine project cannot be permitted in Bristol Bay
This week, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced that it found the proposed Pebble mine would cause significant degradation to the Bristol Bay region and cannot not receive its key federal permit. “This is a good day for Bristol Bay,” said Nelli Williams, Alaska director of Trout Unlimited. “No corner should be cut when considering a…
Proposed Pebble mine sent back to the drawing board, sporting community applauds finding
Today, in a move welcomed by thousands of American workers, Alaskan communities, and the most prolific wild salmon fishery in the world, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) said it found the proposed Pebble mine would likely cause significant degradation and significant adverse effects to the waters and fisheries of Bristol Bay, and cannot receive a permit under the Clean Water Act as proposed, creating a significant barrier to the project moving forward.
Pebble Mine can be stopped by President Trump
Bipartisan opposition to the mine gives the president ammunition to deny Pebble permit Today, in The Wall Street Journal, sporting groups from across the country once again delivered the message to President Donald J. Trump that Bristol Bay is the wrong place for the Pebble Mine. The ad, signed on by 22 of the largest hunting and fishing businesses and…
Hiking the CDT: Road-walking to Canada with grizzly bears
Editor’s Note: The Strawbridge family from Lakeland, Fla., is hiking the length of the Continental Divide Trail – all 3,100 miles of it – from Canada to Mexico. Henry Strawbridge, 14, will be providing updates of their journey to Trout Unlimited as they pass through the historic range of seven native trout species. You can track the…
Great American Outdoors Act signed in to law
Gratitude: To advocates who have worked tirelessly to fully and permanently authorize and fund the Land and Water Conservation Act. Thank you. To the agencies and organizations who have spoken up for the need to fund the maintenance backlog on our public lands. Thank you. https://vimeo.com/443174737/8941524e65 To the members of Congress - Democrats and Republicans…
Lower Snake plan: An opportunity, not a solution
To make a difference on the Lower Snake River, we need action from our decision makers. And fast
Last week, the US Army Corps of Engineers, the Bureau of Reclamation, and Bonneville Power Administration released the final environmental impact statement for future operations of the Columbia River System, including four dams on the Lower Snake River that have been proven to significantly reduce runs of salmon and steelhead into Idaho and far eastern…
Critical document release confirms the damage Pebble will bring to Bristol Bay
On Thursday, July 23, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released a critical document in the permit application review process for the proposed Pebble mine: the final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). The FEIS shows more than 191 miles of streams and 4,614 acres of wetlands would be impacted if phase one of the proposed Pebble mine advances, with 185 miles…