Bring your snorkel
Getting up close and personal with Green River trout The beauty of being perched on a boat headed downstream is the unique ability to see into the water below. Each Labor Day, our family and friends like to float Utah’s famous Green River below the Flaming Gorge dam. Often dubbed the “Aquarium,” the crystal-clear waters…
onX works for boating and fishing too
I’m guessing that by now most of you have heard of a super handy GPS mapping app called onX. It was developed mainly for hunting many years ago and originally used physical cards you inserted into a GPS. Fast forward a decade and it’s the #1 Hunting GPS App you can buy on your smartphone.…
Keep ice for drinks all week long with this tip
Summer river trips, particularly in the desert southwest where our family and friends enjoy playing, can be scorching hot. Sometimes so hot that all you can do to escape is dunk yourself into the 50 degree water passing by your boat to cool off. However, my mind tends to wander directly to iced beverages and…
Barefooting for smallies in the wilds of Wisconsin
The center of attention are schooling smallmouth bass (yes schooling) that willingly slurp down frogs solo or blitz baitfish when fired up
As soon my friend Josh Fiester and I got the text from Hannah Matousek upon landing in Madison, Wisc., last week I knew the next couple days were going to be special. Hannah, one third of the team that makes up Black Earth Angling Company, let us know that she took the liberty of picking…
PSA: This ‘boat blog’ has a name
Way back in March I wrote my intro to this platform that I’ll post again below. Hopefully it resonates with a few of you and is providing some entertainment. We try not to take ourselves to seriously and would love some feedback if you have a second.
It’s called The Thalweg and I only bring it up because it’s been a few months since we launched and wanted to reiterate our mission statement of sorts. We also want to know what the audience was liking or disliking as well as what you all want to see and hear more of. I'm having…
Milestones. Like shifting winds off the canyon walls, they come and go without warning. While often more prevalent when we are younger, milestones appear easier to recognize as we age. A couple of weeks ago, without notice, one happened. On the drive back from the river, I announced it to my wife, who was quietly…
Throwback advertising: absurd old-school drift boat sales video
motion, fish handling from hell, absurd rowing lines, more absurd launches, and stress tests with sledgehammers and rocks.
The old Lavro drift boat video I stumbled on via YouTube had me in stitches this past weekend and had to share. The upload date says 2009, but I'm pretty sure it was filmed way before then. Now, don't get me wrong, Lavro made some really cool boats back in the day — especially some…
