Loon Ergo fly-tying tools
Good fly-tying tools are hard to find. Often, you get exactly what you pay for. Scissors that fall apart or quickly dull. Bobbins that slice thin thread in the middle of a pattern. You know, predictably cheap stuff. But not Loon Outdoors products. I've been using Loon tying tools for a couple of years now,…
Redington Escape waders
First a disclaimer. If I don't have to wear waders, I won't. Simple as that. I'd rather wet-wade. But the weather doesn't always make standing in trout water up to your midsection a practical proposition. Fall, winter and spring in the northern Rockies demand some protection from the elements, and good waders provide that protection.…
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Companies that give back
I am 20 years old; sitting cross-legged on the floor of my dorm room. The words on the page are so freaking clear, but their application remains elusive. “Fly casting makes it possible to deliver a relatively weightless lure or imitation of a living creature on a target, using line weight to develop momentum.” After…
A greener fly-fishing industry on display at IFTD
Perhaps the overarching theme of the 2019 International Fly Tackle Dealer show in Denver was environmental sustainability. The show itself was a plastic-free event, and according to American Fly Fishing Trade Association President Ben Bulis, there was no cost difference for the association when it came to making this determination. And companies that displayed their…
The New Zealand Strike Indicator
I'm not big on gimmicks when it comes to fly fishing. Anything that requires an extra tool on the water, or some complex, newfangled series of steps in order to make something work like it should rarely appeals to me. But my friend Walt Gasson changed my mind about a new-ish product that I've been…
FisheWear Wedge Tote
It seems like I’m always short a hand or two and a good tote bag can definitely make life easier, whether running errands or heading to the water, the Wedge Tote from FisheWear is a great addition to any angler’s life. Perfect for hauling gear to and from the water, stashing a change of clothes or loading…
Finding the perfect soft-hackle water
I love to swing soft-hackle flies. It's one of the best fishing methods I know for trout in steadily moving water with a generally constant depth. Below, RIO Products Brand Manager Simon Gawesworth shows you what kind of water you'll be looking for when you're out to swing soft-hackles, and he'll give you some gear…
