Restoration drives advocacy in the Great Lakes, thankfully
Many conservation organizations are great at on-the-ground habitat restoration. Others excel at policy advocacy. Trout Unlimited is one of the few that shine at both. Our recipe for success is simple. We take the results and good will generated by the partnerships, relationships, and in many cases, friendships created through our restoration work, and use…
National Teen Summit returns to birthplace of TU
Here at Trout Unlimited we are proud to say our organization was formed on the banks of the Au Sable River in Michigan. Locals boast (and rightly so) that the Au Sable is the best brown trout fishery east of the Mississippi. Michigan’s TU chapters are named after conservation heroes like George Griffith, Art Neumann,…
Midges and anchors to the rescue
Anchor could be connoted as negative, as something heavy weighing you down, but if you look at some of its synonyms, things start looking up. Cornerstone, lynchpin or foundation; these more aptly describe what rivers mean to me, especially lately. Rivers feed my soul, rejuvenate my spirit and bring solace during life’s challenges, and boy has life shown me challenges. After my…
The Whitewater
It's that time of year again... the annual Fly Fishing Film Tour is likely coming to a theater near you, and the films' trailers are out and about for general consumption. Here's one, as an angler and a conservationist, that ought to capture your attention. https://vimeo.com/385456316 From Off the Grid Studios, "The Whitewater" captures the…
Misadventures in sleep while in grizzly country
Sleeping in bear country is not really sleeping at all. Our family enjoys tent camping and we love the wildest parts of this country. The combination leads to an instant case of temporary insomnia — at least for me. I am envious of people who can sleep in tents while camping in bear country. I’m…
San Juan New Years in the Old Years
It’s difficult to remember exactly when it began, our annual New Years fishing trip on the San Juan River below Navajo Dam. We had hair and it wasn’t gray, and some of us still had muscles. We brought our kitchen kits and coolers, cooking our meals and washing dishes, then staying up half the night playing cribbage,…
Fishy people stories
We all know that some people have a transcendental ability to find and catch fish. This ability typically derives from an unteachable, instinctive feel for the water and how its piscine residents move and feed in it and is honed by years of dedication to the craft. These people are often referred to as “fishy.”…