Fishing for independence
I am a new angler. I came to Trout Unlimited with very limited fishing experience, and for the past 10 months that I’ve been working for TU’s Alaska program on the Save Bristol Bay campaign, I’ve been open about it. Our supporters, chapter members and my colleagues know that while I’m not new to conservation,…
Community Advocacy Conservation Fishing From the President Gear reviews Getting started steelhead TROUT Magazine TU Business TU Costa 5 Rivers
Companies that give back
I am 20 years old; sitting cross-legged on the floor of my dorm room. The words on the page are so freaking clear, but their application remains elusive. “Fly casting makes it possible to deliver a relatively weightless lure or imitation of a living creature on a target, using line weight to develop momentum.” After…
A greener fly-fishing industry on display at IFTD
Perhaps the overarching theme of the 2019 International Fly Tackle Dealer show in Denver was environmental sustainability. The show itself was a plastic-free event, and according to American Fly Fishing Trade Association President Ben Bulis, there was no cost difference for the association when it came to making this determination. And companies that displayed their…
Where gravity does the work
Chad turned to his wife Erin, “If I don’t make it back, I died doing what I love.” It was well-spoken and sealed with a kiss. The Class III rapids of the canyon are far from the roughest or most consequential white water in the state, though they have proven deadly. As with many things, it's better to be safe than sorry when drifting for adventure and a sense of freedom in…
The New Zealand Strike Indicator
I'm not big on gimmicks when it comes to fly fishing. Anything that requires an extra tool on the water, or some complex, newfangled series of steps in order to make something work like it should rarely appeals to me. But my friend Walt Gasson changed my mind about a new-ish product that I've been…
How to pack for a trip to Bristol Bay
The flights are booked, the lodging is arranged. You’re going to Bristol Bay. Dang, I’m jealous. First of all, you may be spending significant amounts of money, time and effort to travel to remote, southwest Alaska. Maybe there’s a little part of you that has buyer’s remorse about all that? Well, don’t. Just experiencing this…
The hype is real: A day on the Upper Delaware
“Wait? What? You’ve never fished the Delaware River?” If you live in the East and are an avid (borderline obsessed) trout angler, this is the kind of thing you will hear from peers if you admit that you’ve never wet a line in one of the East’s most famous trout rivers. I got it again…