Schooling the trout
When it comes to our trout fishing, most of us are satisfied with “good enough.” We know a little bit about our local streams and rivers, and a little bit about our gear, and a little bit about insects and fly patterns. While our casting might not be the prettiest around, and while nobody is…
How to Drift a Soft-hackle
Last week, RIO Product's Simon Gawesworth showed us a great way to swing soft-hackle flies for big-river trout. This week, Simon shows us how to drift a soft-hackle for working trout. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTvbWsBLY_U There are some notable differences, obviously. First is the technique. When swinging a soft-hackle, you're interested in line tension and the action of…
Returning thanks
Saint Ambrose once said, “No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.” That sentiment defines the work of Trout Unlimited’s Veterans Service Partnership, and was visible at the recent “couples trip” hosted by the VSP and the Friends of the Upper Delaware. The Upper Delaware is a great, but challenging wild trout fishery.…
The problem solver
My buddy Dennis is a nuclear engineer. He travels the globe through his job and works with disparate foreign governments who are turning to nuclear power as an alternative to fossil fuels. One of Dennis' many jobs is to help those governments test various nuclear fuels for efficiency and power production, and to help them…
The Sulphur Comparadun
With the sulphur hatch in full swing in the East, sometimes matching the hatch can be impossible. Instead, offering something just a little different to picky trout can be exactly what the doctor ordered. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gp4rV1PYPHM Above, Tim Flagler ties his Sulphur Comparadun, which could be that "something different" when hundreds (or thousands) of mayflies are…
Skating flies for summer steelhead
If “the tug is the drug” for anglers swinging a fly for wild steelhead, then bringing a surface-snarfing summer steelhead to a skated fly is crack cocaine. There is no bigger adrenaline dump than seeing the glass-smooth surface of a tailout explode as a 10-pound native summer steelhead pounces on your hapless little skater. “Skaters”…
Alaska: Get your cast on
Welcome casting champion, Maxine McCormick to the 49th state this summer.
By the Southcentral Alaska Chapter Get your cast on with teen fly casting prodigy Maxine McCormick this weekend. Maxine and her casting coach, Chris Korich, are making the trip to Alaska and are participating in a whole host of events for Anchorage area anglers. With book signings, brunches, a happy hour, picnic and more on the calendar, there…