
Fishing | Page 14

  • Fishing Trout Talk

    Tip – Reading Water

    Now that you’ve gotten some of the basics down of fly fishing, why we love it, some casts, gear and more, it’s time to go out to the water.   Tom Rosenbauer teaches us a bit about how to find where the fish live by properly reading a river. These skills will help you on any…

  • Fishing Trout Talk

    Tip – All about leaders

    Here’s a bit more info on some basic gear; leaders.

    Here’s a bit more info on some basic gear; leaders. When do you need to change them and how do you do that? Watch Tom Rosenbauer from Orvis explain these details as well as how to avoid a tangled mess when unfurling a leader.

  • Fishing Trout Talk

    Tip – Safe Wading

    Let’s move away from the gear for a bit and talk about the importance of wading safely. Getting from one side of the stream to another is often required to get you in the best spot to fish. Wading across a river can be tricky, but if you know what to look for and how…

  • Fishing

    Blue Collar Bamboo

    Restoring a piece of fly fishing history

    Restoring a piece of fly fishing history New bamboo fly rods often command hefty prices and long waiting lists appropriately reflecting the time and craftsmanship put into them, but there was a time when even anglers of modest means could fly fish with bamboo.   Mass-produced bamboo fly rods from the 1920s through the 1950s…