
Fishing | Page 148

  • Conservation Fishing

    Thinking downstream

    Casey working a hickory shad “Would you pick Larry Bird or Magic? Who is better Michael or LeBron? Would you take Russell Westbrook or Steph Curry?” For two hours, every few minutes, the questions came. Casey is 13, and a big kid. He hit a dinger in each of his last three baseball games. We…

  • Fly tying Fishing TROUT Magazine

    Selecting CDC, Part 2

    Last week, Tightline Productions' Tim Flagler taught us the CDC (cul-de-canard) basics—we know that the feathers come ducks or geese, near their preening glands. These feathers have lots of surface area, which helps them trap air and keeps the afloat quite well. Above, Tim shows us how various CDC feathers are used in common…

  • Fishing Travel TROUT Magazine Video spotlight

    Trout is King

    It's getting warmer outside. Spring is actually springing, and that means summer isn't far off. Soon, it'll be time to camp next to high-country trout water and sight-fish to feeding fish. I can't wait. And short films, like this little gem above from Carpe Dieme featuring wild brown trout fishing in Scandinavia, don't help…

  • Trout Tips Fishing Fly tying

    Seine the water

    My best tip to finding the right fly, especially if you are nymphing, is to seine the water before you start fishing. Spend $3.97 for a two-pack of five-gallon paint strainers at Home Depot, which will fit right over a net. Get a buddy to stir up rocks and river bottom a few feet upstream…

  • Video spotlight Fly tying

    Five flies for April

    The guys at Trouts Fly Shop in Denver hit the Colorado River recently, and they did some serious damage to the river's lively browns and rainbows using baetis imitations. Five Flies for April Baetis, often imitated in the dun form by the venerable Blue-winged Olive, are great springtime flies, and among the first mayflies…