From Bigotry to Brook Trout
We've all heard stories about the healing power of water and fly fishing. At Trout Unlimited, our chapters and volunteers devote significant resources to helping physically and emotionally wounded veterans heal from the horrors of war. But it's more than that. Ask any die-hard fly fisher why they fish, and, after getting through all the…
Choosing CDC material
CDC, or cul-de-canard, is the soft, fluffy material that comes from around the preening gland of a duck or goose. Despite its fluffy nature, CDC really does float pretty well, and a lot of folks use it when tying emergers and the like. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53edv9ccCpM Above, Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions talks about the differences between…
Nudging streams back to health
"You just want to nudge it. Too often restoration work is over-engineered. The key is to simply nudge the system in the right direction, and then allow for natural processes to occur.” Gary leaned back and looked upstream. A smile crept up. “I had two anglers who told me they caught 80-90 brook trout here…
The effort to save wild salmon from California to Alaska has been costly, and with a few notable exceptions, largely ineffective. Humankind, over the centuries, has continually put up obstacle after obstacle for wild salmon to conquer, and the numbers are dwindling. Video of Artifishal | The Fight to Save Wild Salmon The new film,…
How to fix your Gore-tex waders
With as much as a good pair of Gore-tex waders costs these days, it pays to do your best to take care of them. But even in the best conditions, waders will eventually fail—water is pretty determined to find its way into even the smallest of holes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNT9Q14xAxc&t=6s Above, Cameron McDonald from Simms walks you…
Keep in touch with that line
Editor's note: The following is exerpted from TU's book, "Trout Tips," available online for overnight delivery. With my clients, I find that many of them lose touch with their fly line following their cast. I emphasize holding on to their line throughout the cast with their line hand, and then transferring their line to their…
Fly tying: Half-pint Midge
Here in the West, early spring is pretty tough to differentiate from late winter—many of our fabled trout streams will still be lined with snow for weeks to come. And that means, despite some warmer temperatures that will keep the ice out of our fly-rod guides, winter fishing is still the name the of the…