
Fishing | Page 179

  • Fishing Trout Tips

    Trout Tips: Patience and deliberation

    Editor's note: The following is exerpted from TU's newest book, "Trout Tips," available for order today. Patience and Deliberation Count for a Lot Move slowly toward the river, and stalk patiently. It's very easy to spook fish away before you've even thrown your first cast by not being quiet and mindful. Once you've stepped into…

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: Whip finishing by hand

    About a decade ago, while sitting at a table in the dining room at what is now Calder Mountain Lodge on the northern, roadless tip of Prince of Wales Island, I busied myself tying up a few bright orange streamers for the next day's fishing for Dolly Varden in the island's tannin-stained salmon streams. An…

  • Fishing Trout Tips

    Trout Tips: Fly selection

    Delaney Hunt with a Black Canyon rainbow. Photo by Chris Hunt. The second chapter in TU's newest book, "Trout Tips," deals with fly selection. When we fish new water, we're often mystified at what the trout we're after might, in turn, be after. Hence the age-old question, "What're they hitting?" Several years ago, on southeast…

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: The Red and Black Midge

    Midge nymph patterns are deliciously simple to tie, and the pattern Tim Flagler demonstrates in the video below is no exception. I love any fly that uses simple thread as a true fly ingredient, not just something to fasten all the other ingredients to the hook. The Red and Black Midge is dependen t on…

  • Fishing Trout Tips

    Trout Tips: The throw bag

    One of the many "little things" that can foul up your fly cast is a wandering elbow. First it's tight to your side, like it should be. Then, after a while, you get a little tired and a little lazy and it starts to meander away from your side and, before you know it, it's…

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: The Deadpool Midge

    Profane and hilarious, the central character of “Deadpool” became an instant hero when the Marvel Comics movie was released last year. So, here’s the Deadpool midge, and it seems obvious how it got its name. It’s black and red, matching the mercenary-turned-superhero’s garb. But could there be a double entendre at work? You know, this…

  • Fishing Trout Tips

    Trout Tips: The new book

    We're very proud to release TU's newest book, "Trout Tips," a collection of tips and tricks from our staff and membership that's designed to make all of us better anglers. Edited by Kirk Deeter, TU's vice president of Trout Media and the editor of TROUT Magazine, the book is full of wonderful ideas and tips…