Tip – Reels for trout fishing
Do you need a good reel or a reel with strong drag to fish for trout? Well, for smaller fish, not really. Tom Rosenbauer shines some light on the benefits of a reel for trout fishing. Smooth drag is the most important factor in choosing a reel. A smooth drag will help fight a fish…
Tip – wet and nymph fishing explained
The majority of a trout’s diet is eaten under the surface of the water, so let’s take a minute to learn more from Tom Rosenbauer on how best to fish with wet flies. Trial and error is part of it, but that’s often a part of what many anglers love. Learn some new techniques and…
Business Depends on It
We find ourselves advocating for what we love. It’s the unintentional experiences that cement our passion to conserve and protect. For Grant Richie, owner and operator of Minam Store Outfitters, that is clearly the case. Grant is a passionate advocate for cold-water fisheries, particularly the Grande Ronde River system. While attending college in Walla Walla,…
Love and Connection
Ask north Idaho Spey anglers to describe what wild steelhead mean to them and you will get 100 rambling, mostly incoherent responses. But you will hear common themes: love and connection, unadulterated, unconditional, tough, infinite love and a longing for connection with the gamest fish in freshwater, not to mention the rivers and wild places…
The True Cast – On Guides, Ghillies and the Great Ones
I now get asked, all the time, whether guides these days, on average, can stack up against the guides from a generation ago...
Twenty-some years ago, I wrote the book Castwork: Reflections of Fly-Fishing Guides and the American West with my cousin Andrew Steketee. It never got much commercial traction, but it did garner a cult following, and it got me discovered by Field & Stream. For all of you would-be authors out there, understand that a book…
Tip – fly fishing for salmon and steelhead
These magical fish capture those who fish for them, certainly as soon as one is hooked and landed, but sometimes well before that. To help celebrate Snake Week this week, we bring you another Tom Rosenbauer video on some of the basics of salmon and steelhead and how to fish for them. He walks through…
The True Cast – “Sporting Clays” with a Fly Rod
Autumn leaves… blown off the trees… covering the river surface… kind of a bummer if you want to go dry-fly fishing, right? Well, when life gives you lemons, make some lemonade. With fly fishing, there’s always an opportunity to learn something and practice. This happened a week ago or so as I was fishing the…