Fly tying: The Deadpool Midge
Profane and hilarious, the central character of “Deadpool” became an instant hero when the Marvel Comics movie was released last year. So, here’s the Deadpool midge, and it seems obvious how it got its name. It’s black and red, matching the mercenary-turned-superhero’s garb. But could there be a double entendre at work? You know, this…
Trout Tips: The new book
We're very proud to release TU's newest book, "Trout Tips," a collection of tips and tricks from our staff and membership that's designed to make all of us better anglers. Edited by Kirk Deeter, TU's vice president of Trout Media and the editor of TROUT Magazine, the book is full of wonderful ideas and tips…
Fly tying: The Top Secret Midge
These blustery spring days when Mother Nature can't seem to make up her mind can frustrate even the most seasoned angler when it comes time to figure out the right fly pattern. Bright sunshine one minute can be followed up by a quick dose of rain, a snow squall or a sleety mix of both.…
New book, Trout Tips, is here!
Please buy this book, called Trout Tips. It only costs, $16.99, it will make TU stronger, and hopefully help you fish better too! Trout Tips is a new book that involves over 250 simple fishing tips from TU members and supporters… for trout anglers of all skill levels… and all the money goes straight to…
Trout Tips: The wind
The wind is the perceived enemy of many a fly fisher, but, as Kirk Deeter points out in this week's video, it needn't be. The key, as Deeter puts it, is to "make friends with the wind." Or, as he demonstrates, use the wind to your advantage, even when it's in your face. The key?…
Fly tying: Off-the-hook Sucker Spawn
Several years ago, I was on an early-season prospecting trip into the headwaters of the Rio Grande in south-central Colorado, on the prowl for migrating cutthroats. I found a great little meadow-stretch of water and carefully crept to the edge of the river—really just a small stream at this elevation. Peering carefully over the edge…
Trout Tips: Ready to go
There are a lot of little tips for fly fishing expedience that may not actually help you catch fish, but might make it easier to start fishing. The tip offered up by Kirk Deeter in the video below is one such idea that has become second nature to me and a lot of anglers who…