Tip: Grease your leader for better mending.
Tom Rosenbauer taught me this one, but I’m going to steal it and share it anyway. After you’ve dressed up your dry fly with that greasy, ginky goop that’s now left all over your fingers, don’t just wipe it off on your waders to leave stains like the syrup you dripped on your shirt at…
Fly-Fishing for Warmwater Fish in the Summer Heat
Northern Pike, Bass, Bluegill, and other warmwater fish are great fly alternatives when trout need a break. The little headwater stream to a wild native brook trout river in the western Upper Peninsula seemed like a perfect place to find little brookies and no other people. I drove a tangle of muddy logging roads after…
Drift Boat Hack…
Use a small cooler (or something fairly heavy that slides) to balance the boat. Cooler in boat hack Just the other day, as my buddy Tim Romano, cousin Andrew Steketee, Andrew’s dog Oscar, and I were ready to shove off from the ramp for what would be an epic (and I mean epic!) float down…
The True Cast – Why the United States is the Envy of the Fishing World
There’s always much to celebrate on Independence Day.
There’s always much to celebrate on Independence Day. Sure, we’re living in divisive times and there are things that concern most of us for different reasons and in different ways in America these days. But the bottom line is that this collective “experiment in democracy” is still kicking (and then some) 247 years after a…
The True Cast – On Golf and Fly Fishing
With congratulations to fly-fisher Wyndham Clark on winning the U.S. Open and making all anglers proud! When I watch professional golf, I root for the anglers. Because many of the best golfers throughout history have also had a genuine passion for fly fishing. From Jack Nicklaus and Nick Faldo to Johnny Miller and Mark O’Meara—and…
How the team behind “Mending the Line” film got the fishing right
Hollywood gets a lot of things right. When it gets things wrong, it’s often because writers (and directors and actors) are forced to try to mimic something they know little about but that avid practitioners are adept at. Consider fishing and hunting, which aren’t exactly atop the list of most-practiced hobbies of the La-La Land…
The True Cast: The secret to successful fishing? Check your agenda at the door.
When I reflect on the past couple decades of climbing the fly-fishing learning curve, I am often amazed that I caught any fish at all, given the many dopey habits I fell into. That’s not to suggest by any means that I feel like I’ve fully scaled that curve or don’t still make silly mistakes.…